When is the last time that you pulled out an old photo album and looked through the pictures of your past? Maybe sat on the couch with friends and family and reminisced about the good old times. I use this analogy when I work with clients on subjects that they have written about to set them apart as an expert in their field. The content that you wrote had to have had a significance either in your industry, your company or even your life events for you to have taken the time to write about it. These writings are like your old photo albums, don’t be afraid to pull them off the shelf blow off the dust and reuse them every once in a while.
As a professional writer I fully understand how challenging it can be at times to always be on the cutting edge of the industry. I have found that by researching sales tactics, social media usage, marketing and other forms of outreach for my own company, it helps me stay abreast of industry changes. I have also found over the years however that there are certain principals that never change and are timeless.
Professionalism. No matter how much industry changes it is always imperative for businesses to act professionally in order to stay operating successfully. Delivering stellar customer service and satisfaction are a must to thriving in the business industry. Reposting these types of articles never go amiss in order to remind people of the importance of their customers. It doesn’t mean that as a company you are looking for the easy way out for the month’s postings or blogs. It shows that you understand the importance of those types of subjects.
Relevance is key! What I mean by this is make sure that if you do want to reuse an article or blog that was previously written be sure the information is still relevant to the current market. If the market has shifted it doesn’t mean you cannot use the article. It may simply mean that you need to restructure a portion of the article to be sure it is current and reflects the changes that have gone on in the industry.
Which articles do you allow to resurface? Use your email and social media metrics to determine which articles gained the most traction. If the article received a lot of likes and or comments, chances are that it would be an article to reuse at a later time. You may also hold something such as a nonprofit or cause you support close to your heart. The cause may hold a lot of meaning to you that by reposting feel that it can help others.
Remember reposting isn’t a bad thing. Make sure that the information provided is relevant and that it was well received the first time around. Your followers may remember the article, or more importantly, it may cause them to remember the importance of what you have written. Remember, the content had meaning if you took the time to write about it in the first place, if it’s still relevant don’t hesitate to reuse it!
About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long term basis. Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business growth.