Facebook & Divorce: Not the place to post!

Millions of married couples go through divorce each year.  This can be the most difficult experience of your life.  A demanding time filled with many emotions and no time to deal with them.  You need to blow off steam and a quick, simple way to vent your feelings. Social media seems like answer to your prayers.  Facebook?  Twitter?  Think again!  Social Media can be very discriminating against you in the courts of law.

The courts use a process called “discovery”, whereas, any records can be used for or against you.  These records include but are not limited to: mortgage statements, credit card bills, bank statements, and now usernames and passwords to your favorite social media networks.  Recently, a court in Pennsylvania ordered a defendant to provide the username and password to their Facebook and email accounts.  Even a private account is not longer private with access to the username and password.

Facebook and other social media sites are fun to use and can be a great way to share with your friends and family.  Social media is safe when used properly… just remember to keep your posts friendly and non-discriminating.  There is no need to delete your social media accounts, but please be sure to think twice when posting. Be aware of what your “friends” are posting also.  Explain to them that you do not wish to be included in inappropriate or negative posts.  If they are truly your “friend” they will comply, if not, delete them from your contacts.  Divorce is tough enough… you don’t want to add unnecessary stress or “fuel to the fire”.  If you feel the need to vent call a relative, your sister, your BFF.   They say that everyone has a skeleton in the closet, if you do, keep it in the closet… for goodness sake don’t post it on Facebook!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group ~ The Edmiston Group provides senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long term basis.  Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business growth.

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