Pencil on brochure with the text Emergency Preparedness Checklist


In light of recent devastating hurricanes, such as Helene and the imminent arrival of Milton, many businesses are grappling with the aftermath. Some may never reopen. In North Carolina, entire towns have been wiped off the map—an outcome that business owners never imagined. But a business doesn’t need to be hit by a hurricane to face such challenges. Cyber criminals, tornadoes, fires, floods, and even water damage from broken pipes can shut your business down in a matter of minutes. It’s not a matter of if a disaster will strike but when. According to Inventio IT, the average duration of downtown following a ransomware attack is 3 weeks. Can your business be without critical infrastructure for that long?  Here’s what you can do to ensure your business is prepared for recovery when disaster hits.

Restoring Physical Facilities – When a disaster such as a flood or earthquake occurs, physical restoration is a priority. A disaster recovery plan should identify the minimum facilities needed to restore operations. This includes office space, essential furniture, and IT equipment. Collaborating with business unit leaders, especially those in charge of mission-critical functions, helps focus on the necessary technology and resources to sustain operations.

Crafting an Effective Business Recovery Plan – An effective recovery plan outlines policies and procedures designed to minimize disruption. Key components include:

  • Human Resources: Your employees’ safety comes first. Consider how a disaster might affect their ability to return to work and how customers can access your products or services during downtime.
  • Physical Resources: Inspect your facilities and evaluate their vulnerability to disaster. Ensure your recovery plans comply with local building codes.
  • Business Community: Even if your business isn’t directly impacted, your suppliers or customers might be. Communicate with your supply chain about disaster preparedness and their recovery plans to mitigate potential disruptions.

Building Protection – If you own the building, incorporate disaster protection measures for both the structure and its contents. Consider the financial impact of closing for a day, a week, or longer.

Backup Records – Regularly back up your data and store it off-site or in the cloud. Ensure that important documents are kept in a safe deposit box and updated regularly.

Critical Business Activities – Identify the essential activities that keep your business running and the resources needed to support them. If shutting down isn’t an option, find an alternative location and equipment.

Developing a Contingency Plan – Prepare a contingency plan in case your current facilities become unusable. This could include renting nearby office space, working from home, or entering a space-sharing agreement with another business. Store backup copies of documents and computer records off-site or in the cloud, and ensure employees know the protocol to preserve safety and minimize property loss.

Protecting Your IT Systems and Data – Protecting your computer system is essential for business continuity. Use offsite data storage services that offer regular backups via high-speed connections. This ensures your data can be easily restored in the event of a disaster.

Ensure Employee and Customer Safety – A robust evacuation plan is vital. It should include routes to shelters, hospitals, and emergency services. Keep emergency contact numbers posted, and maintain up-to-date information on all employees’ medical needs. Performing regular safety checks, such as testing smoke detectors and keeping fire extinguishers charged, is also essential.

Review and Strengthen Insurance Coverage – Your insurance coverage should be adequate to get your business up and running again after a disaster. This includes replacement costs for buildings, contents, and essential facilities. You may need special coverage for computer hardware, software, and data. Additionally, business interruption insurance is critical to cover lost income and other expenses incurred while you restore operations. Working with a professional commercial insurance agent can help you create a disaster management plan tailored to your business.

Here’s a tip from SCORE client Jennifer Megliore who felt the impact of Hurricane Matthew on her art retail business, ArtWare, on Hilton Head Island, S.C. in 2016. “My SCORE mentor encouraged me to have a hurricane plan, being feet away from the water,” said Megliore. “He helped me create a laminated checklist of items and equipment to remove if we had to evacuate. SCORE also encouraged me to set aside contingency money that would help bridge a closure. Insurance can help — but it can take a long time to receive the money to keep going.”

Failing to plan for the unexpected is like planning to fail. Data breeches from cyber criminals to natural disasters—whether hurricanes, floods, or other natural forces can shut a business down in minutes. Having a detailed disaster recovery plan in place can be the difference between a temporary setback and permanent closure. Protect your business today by preparing for tomorrow’s uncertainties.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

artistic rendering of a group of small business owners in an audience looking at a projector screen with Small Business

Small Business Saturday: A Celebration of Local Commerce… Are You Prepared?

This issue is all about planning ahead for fourth quarter and beyond. Small Business Saturday continues to celebrate and uplift small businesses, helping you discover and support the entrepreneurs in your community. Launched in 2010 by American Express, the Shop Small® movement has grown each year, becoming a pivotal part of the holiday shopping experience for both consumers and small business owners. As a small business owner American Express makes it easy to promote your small business by providing marketing assets such as social media posts.

Saturday, November 30, 2024, is Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. This year, we know that small businesses need our support now more than ever as they navigate, retool and pivot from the effects of the pandemic and multiple natural disasters. According to the 2023 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey conducted by American Express and the National Federation of Independent Businesses, an estimated 72 million Americans participated in Small Business Saturday last year, spending approximately $17.8 billion at local, independently-owned businesses. This significant boost highlights the growing commitment to shopping small and supporting local economies.

As the initiative gains momentum, Small Business Saturday has transformed from a mere shopping event into a broader community celebration. In 2023, more than 8,000 neighborhood champions took the lead in organizing Shop Small® events, bringing together small business owners to create unique, localized experiences. These champions are instrumental in encouraging communities to rally behind small businesses, spreading the word, and drawing new customers to local shops. Are you one of those champions or is it time to step up and act?

How Can You Leverage Small Business Saturday?

If you’re an independent business owner, now is the time to start planning for Small Business Saturday 2024! This year’s event falls on November 30, and by joining forces with other small business owners, you can make a bigger impact. Here are some cost-effective ways to maximize your reach:

  • Collaborative Advertising: Partner with other local businesses to share the costs of print ads, leading to larger and more prominent placements at a fraction of the price.
  • Shared Marketing Materials: Create a branded marketing piece that highlights event details and share the production costs among participating businesses. This ensures a unified message across the board.
  • Coordinated Social Media Campaigns: Develop a shared social media calendar with consistent imagery and messaging. By sharing the same posts, you can amplify your reach and create a stronger impact.
  • Leverage Newsletters and Email Lists: Spread the word through your email lists and newsletters. Each business involved in the event can cross-promote, helping to reach new audiences and drive more foot traffic.

What if You’re a Service Business?

Even if you don’t operate a traditional brick-and-mortar store, you can still benefit from Small Business Saturday. Consider these options:

  • Partner with Local Shops: Align with other small businesses for joint promotions, giveaways, or sponsorships.
  • Sponsor an Event: Sponsor breakfast or beverages at an event, offering you a chance to collect contact information and follow up later.
  • Organize a Giveaway: Contribute to a grand prize drawing to attract attention and gather leads for future marketing efforts.

Square POS software states, “In 2023, some great events highlighted the holiday’s success. Some notable events included the West Chester, PA, Small Business Weekend, which featured live music and food trucks, creating a lively shopping atmosphere. On the other side of the state, near Pittsburgh, they held a shop and taste community event where you could get your small business map stamped to enter a raffle contest”. By planning ahead and using the right marketing strategies, small business owners can compete with larger companies. Social media has become a great equalizer, allowing small businesses to create excitement around their events and showcase what makes them special.

Now is the time to plan and download your Small Business Saturday marketing assets today! If you need help planning or executing your strategy, reach out to us at 724-612-0755.

This holiday season, take advantage of the collective power of the #ShopSmall movement and make this Small Business Saturday your best one yet!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Woman with pen and colorful light bulb - representing thought leadership strategy

Thought Leadership: A Blueprint for Small Business Success

In today’s competitive market, simply offering a great product or service isn’t always enough. To truly stand out and attract a loyal customer base, small businesses must cultivate a reputation as trusted professionals in their field. This is where thought leadership comes in.

What is Thought Leadership?

A thought leader can be an individual or an organization who is recognized for their deep understanding and unique perspectives within their specific industry or niche. Thought leaders do more than follow trends. They actively shape the conversation by offering valuable insights, innovative ideas, and data-driven analysis.

There are Many Benefits of Thought Leadership

There are two key benefits of becoming a thought leader. 

Your company benefits from increased brand awareness and credibility. This can lead to increased lead generation and sales, stronger customer relationships, more mentions in the media, and a competitive advantage over your peers.

You benefit as an individual. As an individual sharing your thought leadership, you gain the benefits of personal branding. Your thought leadership content positions you as a trusted expert in your field, and this increases your professional credibility and visibility, which can open doors to speaking engagements and media opportunities. This impact on your personal branding will follow you from role to role.

How to Craft Your Thought Leadership Strategy

Follow these seven steps to develop and execute a successful thought leadership strategy:

  1. Know Your Audience: Deeply understand your target audience’s challenges, motivations, and pain points. Develop detailed buyer personas that inform your content strategy.
  2. Start with Research: Conduct original research or leverage existing data to provide valuable insights and support your viewpoints. This could involve surveys, data analysis, or compiling expert opinions.
  3. Develop a Unique Perspective: While not every piece of content needs to be entirely unique, strive to offer fresh perspectives, data-backed opinions, and actionable advice rooted in your expertise. If you’re not sure where to begin, identify a pressing issue or challenge within your industry that you have unique insights into. This can be the foundation for your first piece of thought leadership content.
  4. Embrace Multi-Platform Storytelling: Share your insights through a variety of formats, including blog posts, articles, webinars, podcasts, videos, and social media content. Tailor your messaging to each platform.
  5. Be Consistent: Regularly publish high-quality content to stay top-of-mind and demonstrate your commitment to providing value. Consistency builds trust and establishes your authority over time.
  6. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, participate in industry discussions, and foster a sense of community around your brand. Thought leadership is not a one-way street; it thrives on interaction.
  7. Track Your Progress: Analyze the performance of your content to understand what resonates with your audience using social media and website metrics. This data will help you refine your strategy and focus on the most effective formats.

There is One Common Pitfall to Avoid

The number one pitfall to avoid is creating overly self-promotional content. Thought leadership is about providing genuine value to your audience, not pushing your products or services. Focus on addressing their needs and establishing yourself as a trusted advisor, not a salesperson.

What You Can Expect in 6-12 Months

With consistent effort and a well-defined strategy, within 6-12 months of focusing on thought leadership content, your business can expect to see results such as increased website traffic and engagement and an increased social media following. You might also have more qualified leads come your way and an increase in sales opportunities. And with consistency, you can expect increased brand awareness. With a little luck and some hard work, don’t be surprised if you’re also garnering invites for speaking engagements and media appearances.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

AIST Conference - Trade Show Tips - indiviudal in front of tradshow booth

Trade Show Success Tips: Strategies for Small Business Owners

Trade shows are an invaluable resource for small business owners looking to expand their network, showcase their products and services, and gain a competitive edge. Whether you are planning on sponsoring a booth or participating as an attendee, this article has trade show success tips and strategies to help you make the most of your experience.

Sponsoring a Booth: Sponsoring a booth at a trade show offers a unique opportunity to make a big impact on potential clients. You can control the narrative and immerse potential customers in a captivating brand experience. When you engage face-to-face, you begin to build a relationship with the prospect. This face-to-face contact enhances credibility, fosters trust, and allows you to form lasting relationships that can lead to increased sales and brand loyalty.

Attending as a Participant: Participating as an attendee at a trade show can be just as beneficial. It is an efficient way to research industry trends, evaluate competitors, and discover new innovations. It’s also a chance to network with peers, industry leaders, potential partners, and suppliers. These connections can lead to valuable partnerships and collaborations.

How Trade Shows Enhance Your Marketing Strategy

Trade shows are an integral part of a successful marketing strategy, offering a unique blend of direct interaction and brand building. It allows you as a business owner to create a memorable experience around your brand, to generate leads, and build relationships, all while staying abreast of industry trends. This marketing approach blends seamlessly into an overall strategy by providing opportunities for content and valuable insights in your industry for future marketing efforts.

Trade Show Success Tips for the Big Day! 

How to Make the Most of Sponsoring a Booth

  • Create an Interactive Experience: Instead of simply showcasing your products, create an engaging environment that draws attendees to your booth. Think touchscreens showcasing product demos, virtual tours of your facilities, or interactive games related to your industry. 
  • Have a Plan for Capturing Leads: If feasible, integrate technology to efficiently gather attendee information. Badge scanners expedite the process, minimizing manual data entry. If you don’t have a scanner, have printed email signup sheets readily available. Or you can also have a QR code for attendees to scan and signup digitally.
  • Plan Your Follow-Up: After the show, act promptly. Send personalized emails within a week, expressing gratitude for their visit. Segment your leads based on their interests and tailor your follow-up communications accordingly. Pro Tip: Keep notes during the show so you can quickly customize the emails.
  • Project Your Best Self: Get a good night’s sleep the night before and then do your best to show up alert, enthusiastic, and well-rested. This is essential to making a positive impression. Remember, as a representative of your company, your demeanor and energy reflect directly on your brand.

How to Make the Most of Attending a Trade Show

  • Define Your Objectives: Outline specific goals you want to achieve before you get to the show, such as identifying potential suppliers, networking with industry leaders, or researching competitor offerings. 
  • Schedule Strategic Meetings: Don’t leave networking to chance. Schedule meetings in advance with key individuals from companies you’d like to connect with. Leverage the show’s mobile app or website to identify potential leads and plan your itinerary to maximize your time on the floor. 
  • Don’t Limit Networking Opportunities: Engage in conversations with attendees during breaks, in line for coffee, or at networking events. Be open to unexpected conversations—they often lead to valuable connections. 
  • Follow Up Promptly: After the show, follow up with new contacts within 72 hours. Connect on LinkedIn, send a personalized email, and suggest a follow-up call to continue the conversation.

Trade shows offer a unique avenue to share your brand message, build lasting connections, and gain a competitive edge. Whether you’re sponsoring a booth or attending as a participant, strategic planning, an engaging presence, and timely follow-up can make all the difference in your trade show success. The connections you make and the insights you gain can have a lasting impact, propelling your business toward greater visibility and success.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

representation of marketing display items to brand for a trade show. Orange and white banners on a brown background.

3 Steps to a More Impactful Trade Show

Trade shows offer a wonderful opportunity to showcase your brand, network with industry peers, and gain valuable leads for business growth. If you plan on sponsoring a booth at a tradeshow, getting ready can be overwhelming. However, with the right guidance and planning, you can pull off the perfect trade show in 3 simple steps.

Step 1:  Create Marketing Materials

Preparing for a trade show requires careful planning and strategic creation of marketing materials. We recommend that you begin this process two to three months in advance. This gives you time to focus on creating cost-effective, high-quality flyers and promotional materials. 

You’ll want to share a clear and consistent message about your business across all your marketing materials. Many of these materials will be part of your display to attract attention to your booth, where you can provide engaging materials such as client testimonials and case studies.

Have a mix of detailed brochures for serious prospects and more general flyers for the wider audience. By ensuring everything aligns with your brand and including a call-to-action, such as setting appointments or newsletter signups, you can maximize your trade show impact.

Step 2:  Prepare Displays

Reach out and contact your display vendors 6-8 weeks in advance to explore what display options are best for you and your budget. This first step is a great opportunity to get feedback on your display design. Budgeting is crucial and is in part dependent on how long you plan to use the display. It is also important to consider the logistics of getting the display items to the show and the ease of setting them up for display. 

By carrying a clear and concise message from your marketing materials to your display items, with appealing graphics, your display will capture attention quickly. The goal of your display is to create interest within 3 seconds. Your company representatives can then engage and follow up with potential customers.

Step 3:  Finalize Promotional Items

Last but not least, choosing the right promotional product for a trade show is essential for maximizing return on investment. By planning ahead, you can integrate the promotional item into your overall marketing strategy, from pre-show invitations to post-show follow-ups. 

Focus on high-quality items that appeal to your target audience rather than generic giveaways. This will help build trust as your audience knows you understand their needs. Personalizing the promotional item to the audience’s preferences can enhance overall engagement and effectiveness.

Trade shows are a lot of work, but they can also be very rewarding both personally and financially for your business. By implementing the 3 steps above, you are well on your way to making your next trade show more impactful in terms of growing your audience, strengthening your brand, and creating relationships that impact your total sales and revenue. If you need help creating materials, preparing displays, or deciding what promotional item makes sense for your business, call the Edmiston Group at (724)612-0775. We would love to help!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

The word BRANDING on a white brick background, representing the importance of brand values.

Why Your Content Must Reflect Brand Values for Increased Customer Loyalty

Are your brand values reflected consistently in all the content you share? If not, you might be alienating prospects and customers alike. Incorporating your values on topics relevant to your audience helps build an important connection with prospects and customers. According to the article, The New Science of Customer Emotions in Harvard Business Review, customers who are fully connected to a brand are 52% more valuable than those highly satisfied but not fully connected.

Your content is often the first interaction your potential customers have with your brand. Your content also keeps your existing customers engaged. Therefore, it’s important that your brand values are shared authentically and consistently to support building this emotional connection.

Understand the Importance of Brand Values

The core values of your brand have a direct connection to customer loyalty. There are several reasons for this. These values act as a compass, guiding you through your content creation, brand story, actions, behaviors, and business decisions. Managing a brand without the guidance of brand values often leaves customers confused and leads business decisions astray.

According to Consumer Goods Technology research, 82% of shoppers want to buy from brands aligned with their values

If your brand values are inauthentic, inconsistent, or not aligned with your business practices, your business is losing out on growth opportunities and on long-term customer loyalty.

Follow these 3 Steps to Improve Your Connection Between Brand Values and Customer Loyalty

STEP 1: Define Your Brand Values

Your core brand values are the foundation of your business’s identity. They represent the beliefs and principles that guide your business’s actions, decisions, and how you show up and interact with your customers. These values are what differentiates your brand from your peers. They are non-negotiable.

In today’s culture, it’s more important than ever to be authentic with your brand values. Think about the brands you engage with and support. Consumers want brands with a human element, not an idealized version of perfection.  

If you are looking for ideas as to what types of brand values have proven to be successful, you can find samples of core brand values at the bottom of this article by Brandfolder.

Step 2: Practice these 3 Key Aspects of Reflecting Brand Values in Your Content

Once you have fully defined your brand values, it’s critical that you incorporate them into your content in the following ways.

  • Authenticity. Authenticity builds trust. Use words that are aligned with your brand and that have meaning for your business. Write your content message to a single customer profile to build stronger connections. Avoid being opportunistic by jumping into conversations outside your values, such as social causes when you have no history of talking about. 
  • Be clear. Connecting with your audience requires your content to be relatable and easy to understand. 
  • Consistency. You want your customers and prospects to have a similar experience across all fronts when they engage with your brand. Therefore, it’s important to ensure consistency across all platforms. This includes your website, social media, blogs, email marketing, print articles, and ads. Confusion is not your friend when it comes to building brand loyalty. Consistency is.

Step 3: Strengthen (and continue to be consistent)

After defining your brand values and using them in a consistent, clear, and authentic manner across platforms, it’s time to strengthen your brand values even more.

  • Engage and listen to your audience. Listen to feedback from your audience to gain valuable insights into how your brand values are perceived. You can do this by monitoring social media, creating a survey, or simply talking with customers. Doing so allows you to adjust or fix issues by refining your content before there is a larger misperception or problem. 
  • Reward loyalty. By incorporating your brand values into your content, you’ll attract customers who are aligned with your brand. This plays towards creating a foundation of strength from the first interaction. It’s then up to you to continue nurturing relationships by following up with customers and showing appreciation such as through a rewards program. Like any relationship, appreciation goes a long way to extend the relationship.

Follow these steps in creating content that supports your brand values and you’ll enjoy the lasting benefits of sharing value-aligned content that attracts new customers, helps retain existing customers, and builds a sense of belonging, community, and connection. In other words, growing your business is also all about building relationships. And that’s a win for everyone involved.  

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

tablet computer with financial graph, a coffee cup and individual completing a mid-year review

A Mid-Year Review: Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Second Half of the Year

Here we are in the middle of the summer! Perhaps you’re thinking about vacations, time with family and friends, and baseball. But did you realize the year is more than half over? Before you know it, we’ll be in the fourth quarter, the holidays will be upon us, and we’ll be talking about business goals for the new year. Instead of being surprised near the end of the year, now is the perfect time to complete a mid-year review of your business.

By taking a look at what’s working, what’s not working, and where you need to adjust NOW, you can open the door for more peace and relaxation throughout the remainder of the year.

So let’s get started!

Collect Data from the First Half of the Year:

Collect and compile data on the following:

  • Goals: List your top 3-5 goals from the beginning of the year. For each goal, note your progress to date.
  • Revenue: Write down your gross income and net revenue through June 30th.
  • Break it down further: Break down your profit by product or service. Bonus for also notating your marketing expenses for each product or service.
  • Audience: How has your audience grown (or decreased) since the first of the year? Include your customer and prospect list, email list, mailing list, and relevant social platforms.
  • Key Metrics: What metrics do you want to track and review? Consider metrics such as conversion rate, customer acquisition cost, and customer lifetime value. You can learn about and track additional metrics here.

Confirm Relevancy, Identify Gaps and Opportunities:

Now that you have collected basic data, review and determine the relevancy of each goal.

Analyze Data: Review the data you’ve collected. Where are you on target, where are you over budget/under budget, and what surprises stand out?

Identify Market Trends: What is happening in your specific industry, local environment and within the business community at large that impacts your business or customers?

What has and hasn’t worked this year?  Take time and identify what is working for your business and what isn’t. Consider changes in staff, new products or services, launches, marketing campaigns, promotions, and online and/or foot traffic. Ask your team for their insights as to what has worked well and what hasn’t worked well.

Update Goals and Timeline:

Now that you have collected and analyzed data, and accounted for changes in market trends and what has and hasn’t worked to date, it’s time to review and adjust your top 3-5 goals for the rest of the year.

Have you achieved any of the goals? Are there goals you failed to take action on? Are you ahead of schedule or behind schedule on each of your open goals? Are the goals still relevant or is it time to rewrite one or more goals?

Also, take a moment to list ‘distractions’ – these are the goals that were never on your top list of goals, yet have utilized time and resources without your consciously measuring the importance of those goals against your long-term strategy.

Focus your attention, time, and resources on goals that matter for the success of your business. Let go of goals not serving your business to bring your energy and resources to those that do.

When you’ve completed updating and prioritizing your goals for the remainder of the year, ensure that each goal is aligned with your longer-term direction.

Plan for Growth:

The fall and winter can be lucrative seasons for many businesses. Therefore, as part of laying the groundwork for a successful second half of the year, determine what activities can help grow your business so you can meet your goals. When you’re done, review and update your projected revenue by month.

Account for ‘boosts’ to revenue from items such as:

  • Holiday campaigns (back-to-school sales, Small Business Saturday, holiday sales).
  • New customers through tradeshow participation.
  • Email marketing campaigns.
  • Launches of new products or services.

Account for ‘one-time’ expenses related to:

  • Audience growth
  • Marketing strategy and assets
  • Additional help
  • Product development and testing

Once you’ve planned these growth details, circle back to your newly updated goals to ensure alignment.

Pro-tip: Schedule a monthly review of your progress so you can continue to take action to stay on track.

Congratulations! If you’ve completed your mid-year review, you have time to react to any shortfalls and turn the tide to achieve a successful year. By completing this review now, you can plan for growth and campaigns, and you have time to get professional counsel to address areas of concern, be that legal, accounting, or marketing. 

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Young children with backpacks runningon sidewalk for back-to-school sales

Back-to-School Boost: Why Back-to-School Sales Matter

As summer rolls on, smart small business owners are already thinking ahead to the back-to-school rush. This annual shopping spree is a prime opportunity to boost your revenue, attract new customers, and engage with your community. It’s not too late to plan and kick off your back-to-school sale!

Make the decision right now to dedicate time during these summer months to strategic planning and preparation. The groundwork you lay now in connecting with and growing your audience will serve you again in just a few months when it’s time to launch holiday promotions.

Why Back-to-School Sales Matter

Back-to-school shopping is more than just pencils and notebooks; it’s a seasonal ritual ingrained in consumer behavior and applies to so much more than school supplies. As the summer heat wanes and the fall briskness begins to fill the air, the energy of consumers shifts as well. This surge in spending presents a significant opportunity for businesses, small and large, to capitalize on increased foot traffic and online activity.

3 Long-Term Benefits of a Back-to-School Sale

A well-executed back-to-school sale offers benefits beyond the immediate revenue boost. Your hard work also results in:

Expand Your Customer Base: You’ll attract new customers who are seeking deals, and this will introduce them to your brand. You can even encourage your existing customers to bring a friend.

Increase Brand Awareness and Engagement: The buzz you’ll generate around your brand will encourage interaction with your brand and products or services through exclusive offers and promotions.

Build Customer Loyalty: Your sale has the potential to convert first-time buyers into loyal customers through excellent service and targeted promotions. And it goes without saying that this is an excellent opportunity to increase loyalty for existing customers as well.

If these benefits resonate with you and you’re ready to plan and prepare your sale now, here is our last blog with 6 steps on how to prepare for your back-to-school sale.

4 Strategies for Back-to-School Success

Early Planning: Don’t wait until the last minute! Begin planning your sale well in advance, determining the dates, duration, discounts, and marketing strategies.

Attractive Discounts: Entice customers with compelling discounts not only on school-related merchandise, such as supplies, clothing, and accessories, but also on ‘gifts for mom.’ Be creative in how you can apply a back-to-school sale to a wide range of products and services. Consider bundle deals and “buy one, get one” offers to attract attention and increase sales.

Themed Marketing: Capture the spirit of the season with engaging marketing materials designed around a back-to-school theme. Visuals resonating with students, parents, and educators, and even those reminiscing about their school days can significantly enhance your campaign’s impact.

Multichannel Promotion: Utilize multiple channels to spread the word about your sale. This can include your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and digital ads. Also be sure to incorporate print assets such as flyers, mailers, in-store signage, and local advertising.

Partner for Even More Success

Back-to-school sales are a great way to showcase your business, attract new customers, and cultivate loyalty. Consider who you might be able to partner with for cross-promotion. This can be another merchant, a non-profit organization that serves children, or a local business that provides services to families, teachers, or children.

By offering well-branded promotional deals and a positive shopping experience, you create a lasting impression that translates into repeat business throughout the year. And that includes new opportunities that are just around the corner, such as Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday in November, and holiday sales and promotions in December. Are you interested in assistance with your next campaign? With our expertise in business development strategies, website creation, social media management, and marketing, we can help you develop a tailored approach to maximize your back-to-school success. Contact Autumn at Edmiston Group today to discuss your needs.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Concept of time off on bright yellow background including vacation hat, airplane, sunglasses shells and a globe

Recharge Your Batteries: Why Time Off is Essential for Small Business Success

As a small business owner, you understand the constant pressure to work “in” your business most days, if not every day. You likely work long hours, have endless to-do lists, and the weight of your company’s success can feel heavy. But what if taking time off is exactly what you need to support your well-being AND your company’s success and longevity? 

The Benefits of Stepping Back

Stepping away this summer to refresh can have significant benefits for both you and your business. The constant pressure of running a business takes a toll. The stress of business ownership, along with overworking, can lead to irritability, resentment, burnout, and increased errors. 

By committing to take time off, you allow yourself to rest and recharge mentally and physically. This rejuvenation translates to improved focus, renewed energy, and a more positive outlook. This sets the stage for improved productivity and mental clarity upon your return.

It’s important to also encourage and support your team in being able to take time off. 

Looking at Summer Time Off as an Investment in Your Business

Creativity: Think of a time when you felt really creative or were simply in your flow and producing some of your best work. Chances are you were well-rested, and with a refreshed mind, you felt creative and innovative. When you’re constantly bogged down in the day-to-day work, it’s easy and common to get stuck in a rut. Vacation can change that.

Innovative Solutions: Time away can provide you with the space and inspiration that will spark new ideas and unique approaches to challenges you have been experiencing within your business. This renewed perspective can lead to innovative solutions and strategies to propel your business forward in both the short and long term.

Longevity: Think about the longevity of your business. Working long hours without pause can, likely will in time, negatively impact your physical and/or mental well-being. Burning out will only hinder your ability to lead and manage effectively in the long run. When you choose to prioritize time off, you are committing to your well-being, which can have a positive effect on your overall outlook and commitment to your business.

5 Steps to Support Your Time Off this Summer

While the idea of stepping away might seem daunting, here are 5 tangible steps you can take to make it a reality:

  • Schedule it: Treat your vacation time like any other important business meeting or conference. Put it on your calendar and commit to it. Let others know you will be off and set your email and voicemail to notify individuals who to reach out to in your absence.
  • Delegate and empower: Identify key tasks you can delegate to trusted employees or contractors. Provide clear instructions and empower them to make decisions in your absence.
  • Set clear boundaries: Establish a system for handling urgent matters while you’re away and communicate your availability to clients and staff. Make sure your team knows what situations constitute an ‘exception’ for contacting you (these should be minimal), so you can enjoy your time off with peace of mind. 
  • Streamline operations: A strategic tune-up can help identify areas for optimization within your business. By reviewing your operations, you can identify inefficiencies and implement changes while you are on vacation. Be sure to include your team members in this process so they are included and empowered and so you do not miss important details. 
  • Prepare your business: Before you depart, tie up loose ends, finalize any pressing tasks, and set your team up for success. And remember, if a project is not urgent, you can schedule it for a later date. 

By taking actionable steps to plan for your time off, you can minimize stress and worry, allowing yourself to truly disconnect and enjoy the break you deserve. Returning as a refreshed and rejuvenated you is the best asset your business has. So, go ahead and schedule that vacation – your business will thank you for it!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Marketing concept for Back to School Sale Design with Alarm Clock, Colorful Pencil, Brush and other Learning Items on Square Grid and

6 Steps to Prepare for Your Back-to-School Sale

Summer is here, but for savvy small business owners, now is the best time to start thinking about the back-to-school season. Back-to-school season is often a wonderful opportunity for small business owners to boost revenue and engage with your community. Don’t let the “lazy days of summer” fool you. It’s so important to plan during the summer months for a successful back-to-school sale.

Why Back-to-School Sales Are Essential for Small Businesses

Parents, guardians, and children in the United States spent an estimated total of $41.5 billion during the back-to-school shopping season last year. This translates to roughly $890 per American household. Therefore, hosting a back-to-school sale is likely a prime opportunity to boost your bottom line following summer vacations and perhaps lackluster sales.

The benefits of a back-to-school sale reach beyond the potential for an immediate revenue boost. Your business will also benefit from increased foot and/or online traffic and increased brand awareness and engagement around your brand. Both of which support growing your loyal customer base. 

When to Start Planning

Begin your planning in early summer to allow ample time for strategizing, implementation, and promotion. Doing so will support you in maximizing the brand awareness and revenue potential of the shopping season.

How to Create a Successful Back-to-School Sale

If running a back-to-school sale is new to you, it might feel overwhelming. Follow these six steps and you’ll be well on your way to hosting your first (or next) back-to-school sale!

1. Define Your Target Audience

When you think of the current audience(s) you serve, which segment is most likely to positively respond to a back-to-school sale? Before continuing to the next step, fully describe who you are targeting.

2. Offer Compelling Discounts and Promotions

Now that you have defined your audience, what discounts or promotions will resonate with this audience the most? Below are a few ideas to consider. You might also ask a few of your favorite clients or fans to share their favorite promotions.

  • Attractive Discounts: Entice customers with significant markdowns on popular back-to-school items or services.  
  • Bundle Deals: Encourage larger purchases by offering discounts on combined items. 
  • Buy One, Get One (BOGO) Offers: Increase your sales volume with BOGO deals. Decide ahead if you will honor one item at fifty percent off. Include these details on any coupons or marketing materials. 
  • Doorbuster Deals: For fast sales in a limited time, offer a few limited-time, deeply discounted items to attract customers to your store or website.

3. Create a Back-to-School Atmosphere for Your Campaign Assets

When preparing your marketing concept, consider the tone you want to set for your audience. Be creative in how you can incorporate the back-to-school concept into your online and print marketing materials, email sales flyers, and if you have a brick-and-mortar store, your sales area.

Once you have your concept, design marketing collateral using visuals that appeal to your target audience and carry this into your social media campaigns, print ads, and relevant website pages.

This is a great opportunity to collaborate with influencers who might promote your products or services to their engaged audience.

4. Extend Your Reach

Now that you have your campaign assets, be sure to utilize your website, social media, and email newsletters to promote your sale. To reach an even wider audience, also consider flyers, in-store signage, and local advertising.

To extend your reach further, get creative! Take time and consider who you can partner with. Are there local schools or non-profits that benefit school-age children to whom you could donate a portion of your sales? Are there exclusive discounts you can offer to students or staff of a specific school? Are there other business owners you could cross-promote with?  Could your business be a backpack collection point for less fortunate families that need a little help?  

5. Consider Unique Approaches

Because back-to-school sales are known to have success, they are also common. How can you make your business sale stand out? Again, put on your creative hat and have some fun! Here are two ideas to get you started.

  • Organize a fun event at your store with special discounts, activities, and refreshments to create excitement and attract families. Include fun giveaways to entice more of your audience into your store.
  • Collaborate with another business to bring your goods and services to their location. This can be a win-win for you, the businesses you partner with, and your audience.

6. Evaluate Your Resources

Back-to-school season is a busy time for both parents and small businesses. Before your big sale, review your staffing, inventory, and marketing resources to ensure your business is ready to handle increased demand.

For expert guidance on developing and executing a winning back-to-school strategy, contact Autumn Edmiston at Edmiston Group. With expertise in marketing, strategic planning, and business development, we can help you navigate this back-to-school season.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.