Lessons Learned – A Look Back

Lessons Learned, Edmiston GroupHave you found yourself in the same routine day after day with work and at home? It’s time to shatter those chains, break up the monotony, ditch those things that are dragging you down and push past the everyday grind. It’s a New Year and time to turn the page to success.

Being a successful business owner means that your plate is full, and so is your dessert plate, and quite possibly the plate that someone else just handed you. At times, it can feel very overwhelming balancing deadlines while at the same time finding new clients. By making a little time for yourself, and setting attainable goals for your company and yourself, you will find that you are better balanced at home and at work.

The first part of helping to reduce the stress you are under is by taking the time to exercise. I myself struggle with this. Now I am not saying that you have to dive in with a 2 hour workout every day. Start by carving out 20-40 min a day and do something to get that heart rate up. It can be as simple as going for a walk, jog, or going to the gym and getting some cardio in before you grab the controls, and jump into the captain’s seat behind your desk. By getting those muscles working you raise your heart rate, help to clear your mind, you feel better and are ready to take on the tasks of the day.

Part of being a business owner is finding the right type of clients – so it’s ok to say “NO.” Not everyone is a good fit for your business. By working with companies or individuals that appreciate you and your company, the work will be more rewarding, less overwhelming, and you will experience a more positive outcome. It is after all your business and it is ok to turn business down or fire an existing client if they aren’t good fit for you.

Invest in yourself, your employees, and your company. I see it all too many times where business owners don’t recognize the worth of investing in themselves. Take care of your health – money can’t buy that. Perhaps replace that office chair that is starting to show signs of wear, get your employees a new computer if they need it, and most importantly invest in training for yourself and your employees. Part of being a business owner is the continuous adaptation to the needs of your customers and clients. By staying abreast on the latest trends, you are better able to stay on the leading edge of business and demonstrate your expertise in the subject matter.

Lastly, it’s ok to delegate things that you don’t have time for. Many business owners become bogged down in keeping up with their social media, creating newsletters, designing advertisements with calls to action, or total ad campaigns, updating websites, creating marketing material, processing payroll, overseeing accounts payable, dealing with employee and HR issues, returning phone calls, reading emails, etc. Need I say more of the many hats that a business owner wears?

While it is important for some of those things to be done by you not everything needs to be completed by the boss. Learn to delegate tasks to employees or outsource some of those tasks allowing you the time to enjoy life and grow your business.

Here’s to a New Year – make it one to remember.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long term basis. Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business growth.

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