Why Bother to Network?

Edmiston Group, Email Marketing, Constant ContactWe have all been to “networking” events conducted by Chambers of Commerce or local business associations. Let’s take a quick look at the history of networking. One of our ancestors discovered fire a jillion years ago, and couldn’t keep the secret. We all know what happened since then. I think we can safely conclude that the discovery of fire and the successful networking campaign that followed was a meteoric success! But what would have happened if nobody bothered to network?

Alexander Graham Bell added to the speed of networking in 1876. Gone forever are the days of whisper down the lane networking. Now, connecting multiple people for the purpose of sharing information took another step forward. Still, this wasn’t really helping business grow. Time cures all ills!

Fast forward through the 70’s and 80’s and our tools really took a giant leap forward. Now, we have something called a computer. So what? How does that help me and my business? This question wasn’t really solved until about 15 years ago. Hrmmmm, now we’re cooking! Or are we? With the evolution of computer technology, the full capability of the communications path became apparent. We are now in the very beginning stages of learning what the full potential may be.

Enter the Chamber of Commerce and Email Marketing. The Chamber provides a vital function to the business community. It has been proven that once you lose face to face communication you lose market share. The basic premise that has always driven business is still true. People buy from people that they know, like and trust. Chamber events always bridge the gap between buyer and seller. If you are not face to face with your potential customer, you almost have no chance of making a sale. Look at this as if your business depends on it. Because it does! You joined the chamber because you know this. Now it’s time to make it work. Enter Email.

Email “marketing” has really changed the landscape. It has always been called Email Marketing – not email selling.

Yet, here is what happens today. You receive 100 Emails a day. 80% of them are asking you to buy something. You delete them. In fact, you have come to know certain senders as sellers, and have set up a rule to automatically delete their correspondence. Why? You don’t want to be sold thru email – remember? Instead be the curator of information where people recognize you as the expert. Someone who people look to for advice because you’ve offered up valuable information in your email marketing campaigns.

Permission based Email bridges the gap – and here is the new formula for success:

Chamber networking events + Email marketing = Financial reward.

This is the way business is done – be prepared. It’ how business gets done!

About the Author: Dave Yunghans, a former national sales trainer and current Regional Director for Constant Contact. Constant Contact is an online marketing company offering email marketing, social media marketing, online survey, event marketing, digital storefronts, and local deals tools, primarily to small businesses and nonprofit organizations.


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