tablet computer with financial graph, a coffee cup and individual completing a mid-year review

A Mid-Year Review: Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Second Half of the Year

Here we are in the middle of the summer! Perhaps you’re thinking about vacations, time with family and friends, and baseball. But did you realize the year is more than half over? Before you know it, we’ll be in the fourth quarter, the holidays will be upon us, and we’ll be talking about business goals for the new year. Instead of being surprised near the end of the year, now is the perfect time to complete a mid-year review of your business.

By taking a look at what’s working, what’s not working, and where you need to adjust NOW, you can open the door for more peace and relaxation throughout the remainder of the year.

So let’s get started!

Collect Data from the First Half of the Year:

Collect and compile data on the following:

  • Goals: List your top 3-5 goals from the beginning of the year. For each goal, note your progress to date.
  • Revenue: Write down your gross income and net revenue through June 30th.
  • Break it down further: Break down your profit by product or service. Bonus for also notating your marketing expenses for each product or service.
  • Audience: How has your audience grown (or decreased) since the first of the year? Include your customer and prospect list, email list, mailing list, and relevant social platforms.
  • Key Metrics: What metrics do you want to track and review? Consider metrics such as conversion rate, customer acquisition cost, and customer lifetime value. You can learn about and track additional metrics here.

Confirm Relevancy, Identify Gaps and Opportunities:

Now that you have collected basic data, review and determine the relevancy of each goal.

Analyze Data: Review the data you’ve collected. Where are you on target, where are you over budget/under budget, and what surprises stand out?

Identify Market Trends: What is happening in your specific industry, local environment and within the business community at large that impacts your business or customers?

What has and hasn’t worked this year?  Take time and identify what is working for your business and what isn’t. Consider changes in staff, new products or services, launches, marketing campaigns, promotions, and online and/or foot traffic. Ask your team for their insights as to what has worked well and what hasn’t worked well.

Update Goals and Timeline:

Now that you have collected and analyzed data, and accounted for changes in market trends and what has and hasn’t worked to date, it’s time to review and adjust your top 3-5 goals for the rest of the year.

Have you achieved any of the goals? Are there goals you failed to take action on? Are you ahead of schedule or behind schedule on each of your open goals? Are the goals still relevant or is it time to rewrite one or more goals?

Also, take a moment to list ‘distractions’ – these are the goals that were never on your top list of goals, yet have utilized time and resources without your consciously measuring the importance of those goals against your long-term strategy.

Focus your attention, time, and resources on goals that matter for the success of your business. Let go of goals not serving your business to bring your energy and resources to those that do.

When you’ve completed updating and prioritizing your goals for the remainder of the year, ensure that each goal is aligned with your longer-term direction.

Plan for Growth:

The fall and winter can be lucrative seasons for many businesses. Therefore, as part of laying the groundwork for a successful second half of the year, determine what activities can help grow your business so you can meet your goals. When you’re done, review and update your projected revenue by month.

Account for ‘boosts’ to revenue from items such as:

  • Holiday campaigns (back-to-school sales, Small Business Saturday, holiday sales).
  • New customers through tradeshow participation.
  • Email marketing campaigns.
  • Launches of new products or services.

Account for ‘one-time’ expenses related to:

  • Audience growth
  • Marketing strategy and assets
  • Additional help
  • Product development and testing

Once you’ve planned these growth details, circle back to your newly updated goals to ensure alignment.

Pro-tip: Schedule a monthly review of your progress so you can continue to take action to stay on track.

Congratulations! If you’ve completed your mid-year review, you have time to react to any shortfalls and turn the tide to achieve a successful year. By completing this review now, you can plan for growth and campaigns, and you have time to get professional counsel to address areas of concern, be that legal, accounting, or marketing. 

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Young children with backpacks runningon sidewalk for back-to-school sales

Back-to-School Boost: Why Back-to-School Sales Matter

As summer rolls on, smart small business owners are already thinking ahead to the back-to-school rush. This annual shopping spree is a prime opportunity to boost your revenue, attract new customers, and engage with your community. It’s not too late to plan and kick off your back-to-school sale!

Make the decision right now to dedicate time during these summer months to strategic planning and preparation. The groundwork you lay now in connecting with and growing your audience will serve you again in just a few months when it’s time to launch holiday promotions.

Why Back-to-School Sales Matter

Back-to-school shopping is more than just pencils and notebooks; it’s a seasonal ritual ingrained in consumer behavior and applies to so much more than school supplies. As the summer heat wanes and the fall briskness begins to fill the air, the energy of consumers shifts as well. This surge in spending presents a significant opportunity for businesses, small and large, to capitalize on increased foot traffic and online activity.

3 Long-Term Benefits of a Back-to-School Sale

A well-executed back-to-school sale offers benefits beyond the immediate revenue boost. Your hard work also results in:

Expand Your Customer Base: You’ll attract new customers who are seeking deals, and this will introduce them to your brand. You can even encourage your existing customers to bring a friend.

Increase Brand Awareness and Engagement: The buzz you’ll generate around your brand will encourage interaction with your brand and products or services through exclusive offers and promotions.

Build Customer Loyalty: Your sale has the potential to convert first-time buyers into loyal customers through excellent service and targeted promotions. And it goes without saying that this is an excellent opportunity to increase loyalty for existing customers as well.

If these benefits resonate with you and you’re ready to plan and prepare your sale now, here is our last blog with 6 steps on how to prepare for your back-to-school sale.

4 Strategies for Back-to-School Success

Early Planning: Don’t wait until the last minute! Begin planning your sale well in advance, determining the dates, duration, discounts, and marketing strategies.

Attractive Discounts: Entice customers with compelling discounts not only on school-related merchandise, such as supplies, clothing, and accessories, but also on ‘gifts for mom.’ Be creative in how you can apply a back-to-school sale to a wide range of products and services. Consider bundle deals and “buy one, get one” offers to attract attention and increase sales.

Themed Marketing: Capture the spirit of the season with engaging marketing materials designed around a back-to-school theme. Visuals resonating with students, parents, and educators, and even those reminiscing about their school days can significantly enhance your campaign’s impact.

Multichannel Promotion: Utilize multiple channels to spread the word about your sale. This can include your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and digital ads. Also be sure to incorporate print assets such as flyers, mailers, in-store signage, and local advertising.

Partner for Even More Success

Back-to-school sales are a great way to showcase your business, attract new customers, and cultivate loyalty. Consider who you might be able to partner with for cross-promotion. This can be another merchant, a non-profit organization that serves children, or a local business that provides services to families, teachers, or children.

By offering well-branded promotional deals and a positive shopping experience, you create a lasting impression that translates into repeat business throughout the year. And that includes new opportunities that are just around the corner, such as Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday in November, and holiday sales and promotions in December. Are you interested in assistance with your next campaign? With our expertise in business development strategies, website creation, social media management, and marketing, we can help you develop a tailored approach to maximize your back-to-school success. Contact Autumn at Edmiston Group today to discuss your needs.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Marketing concept for Back to School Sale Design with Alarm Clock, Colorful Pencil, Brush and other Learning Items on Square Grid and

6 Steps to Prepare for Your Back-to-School Sale

Summer is here, but for savvy small business owners, now is the best time to start thinking about the back-to-school season. Back-to-school season is often a wonderful opportunity for small business owners to boost revenue and engage with your community. Don’t let the “lazy days of summer” fool you. It’s so important to plan during the summer months for a successful back-to-school sale.

Why Back-to-School Sales Are Essential for Small Businesses

Parents, guardians, and children in the United States spent an estimated total of $41.5 billion during the back-to-school shopping season last year. This translates to roughly $890 per American household. Therefore, hosting a back-to-school sale is likely a prime opportunity to boost your bottom line following summer vacations and perhaps lackluster sales.

The benefits of a back-to-school sale reach beyond the potential for an immediate revenue boost. Your business will also benefit from increased foot and/or online traffic and increased brand awareness and engagement around your brand. Both of which support growing your loyal customer base. 

When to Start Planning

Begin your planning in early summer to allow ample time for strategizing, implementation, and promotion. Doing so will support you in maximizing the brand awareness and revenue potential of the shopping season.

How to Create a Successful Back-to-School Sale

If running a back-to-school sale is new to you, it might feel overwhelming. Follow these six steps and you’ll be well on your way to hosting your first (or next) back-to-school sale!

1. Define Your Target Audience

When you think of the current audience(s) you serve, which segment is most likely to positively respond to a back-to-school sale? Before continuing to the next step, fully describe who you are targeting.

2. Offer Compelling Discounts and Promotions

Now that you have defined your audience, what discounts or promotions will resonate with this audience the most? Below are a few ideas to consider. You might also ask a few of your favorite clients or fans to share their favorite promotions.

  • Attractive Discounts: Entice customers with significant markdowns on popular back-to-school items or services.  
  • Bundle Deals: Encourage larger purchases by offering discounts on combined items. 
  • Buy One, Get One (BOGO) Offers: Increase your sales volume with BOGO deals. Decide ahead if you will honor one item at fifty percent off. Include these details on any coupons or marketing materials. 
  • Doorbuster Deals: For fast sales in a limited time, offer a few limited-time, deeply discounted items to attract customers to your store or website.

3. Create a Back-to-School Atmosphere for Your Campaign Assets

When preparing your marketing concept, consider the tone you want to set for your audience. Be creative in how you can incorporate the back-to-school concept into your online and print marketing materials, email sales flyers, and if you have a brick-and-mortar store, your sales area.

Once you have your concept, design marketing collateral using visuals that appeal to your target audience and carry this into your social media campaigns, print ads, and relevant website pages.

This is a great opportunity to collaborate with influencers who might promote your products or services to their engaged audience.

4. Extend Your Reach

Now that you have your campaign assets, be sure to utilize your website, social media, and email newsletters to promote your sale. To reach an even wider audience, also consider flyers, in-store signage, and local advertising.

To extend your reach further, get creative! Take time and consider who you can partner with. Are there local schools or non-profits that benefit school-age children to whom you could donate a portion of your sales? Are there exclusive discounts you can offer to students or staff of a specific school? Are there other business owners you could cross-promote with?  Could your business be a backpack collection point for less fortunate families that need a little help?  

5. Consider Unique Approaches

Because back-to-school sales are known to have success, they are also common. How can you make your business sale stand out? Again, put on your creative hat and have some fun! Here are two ideas to get you started.

  • Organize a fun event at your store with special discounts, activities, and refreshments to create excitement and attract families. Include fun giveaways to entice more of your audience into your store.
  • Collaborate with another business to bring your goods and services to their location. This can be a win-win for you, the businesses you partner with, and your audience.

6. Evaluate Your Resources

Back-to-school season is a busy time for both parents and small businesses. Before your big sale, review your staffing, inventory, and marketing resources to ensure your business is ready to handle increased demand.

For expert guidance on developing and executing a winning back-to-school strategy, contact Autumn Edmiston at Edmiston Group. With expertise in marketing, strategic planning, and business development, we can help you navigate this back-to-school season.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

a-mural-of-different -forms-of-traditional-advertising-media-on-a-pastel-background.

3 Advantages of Traditional Advertising

a-mural-of-different -forms-of-traditional-advertising-media-on-a-pastel-background.

Social media and digital marketing have been the focus of many marketing plans for over ten years. And while many companies continued to use traditional advertising, many looked to the cost-saving convenience of online marketing and advertising.

However, over the years, the digital landscape changed. Each platform became more complicated. Online advertising became very expensive. Suddenly, we realized that we needed to hire teams or know how to manage copy, create graphic assets, use social media schedulers, and read analytics. That’s just the tip of the iceberg of all the work, time, and resources that can go into a digital-only presence. 

As the landscape changed, privacy laws instituted new technological requirements, different audiences leaned towards different social platforms, and the amount of noise skyrocketed. That’s why it’s all the more important to know and connect with your audience as discussed in our blog How to Connect Authentically with Your Audience. It’s critical to target your message to cut through the noise.

It’s also smart to have a two-fold approach. What does this mean? It means having both digital marketing and traditional advertising in your marketing plan.

So, what is traditional advertising? Traditional advertising is any form of marketing that does not use online media to reach an audience. Basic examples of traditional advertising include newspaper ads and print ads, billboards, direct mail, TV and radio advertisements.  There has recently been a shift to direct mail.  My client has had good success with the right letter by drilling down to a target audience to include not only demographics but FICO scores as well.  

Although traditional advertising has taken a back seat to online digital marketing, it remains an effective avenue for boosting your brand. Traditional advertising creates opportunities to reach a large audience in ways that digital marketing cannot. The emotional impact of traditional advertising should not be underestimated. Television and radio, in particular, offer the opportunity to engage audiences on a visceral level through storytelling, music, and visuals. These emotional connections can leave a lasting impression, making your brand more memorable in the minds of consumers.

3 Advantages Of Traditional Advertising

1. Connection With Your Local Audience

Building a connection with your local audience can create a bond that makes them feel appreciated and know that you have a genuine interest in their wants, needs, well-being, and lives. This connection will help them feel they are understood… and who doesn’t like to feel understood and appreciated? 

Today’s consumers rely on relationships more than ever when deciding on how to spend their money. So, why not create the best relationship you can with your audience?

With traditional advertising tactics such as marketing collateral, newspaper ads, local TV commercials or billboards, your company will be seen in the heart of your community and your efforts to reach your target audience will feel more organic and less business-like.

2. Sustainable Promotional Materials

Have you noticed that when you are online, you are constantly receiving promotional materials? Sometimes, a company may post online two or three times a day to keep in front of you and garner your attention. However, this can be a bit overwhelming and even annoying.

Traditional methods of marketing are more sustainable and leave a longer impression on your audience. They also can reach a diverse audience across all demographics. You can also achieve more efficiency by using the same TV commercial, flyers, business cards, or brochures over and over again. You design them once, use them, and update them when needed. Therefore, you don’t have to constantly produce new material and promote your product or service with a frequency that is difficult to manage.

3. Traditional Advertising Establishes Credibility

Consumers are spending a lot of their time online and it seems they are becoming increasingly frustrated with the chaos of digital advertising. With so much digital advertising, consumers are forming a negative association with the company’s brand, service, or product. Digital advertising oftentimes can create a barrier and prevent the consumer from reading an article, watching a video, or browsing a website. According to a Hubspot survey, 57% of participants disliked ads that played before a video and 43% didn’t even watch them. As a result, companies are looking for ways to set themselves apart and cut through the noise and clutter.

While digital channels are susceptible to the perception of fake news and online scams, traditional mediums, such as print and television, often carry a sense of more legitimacy and authority. Printed material and ads are typically viewed as more trustworthy. Why? A company that can place ads in print media such as a magazine or newspaper, or in a commercial on television and radio, is perceived to have the financial means to do so. So, the consumer’s perception is that if the company has the money to do so, the company is growing, successful, and stable.

“With the rise of digital advertising and social media, there was an assumption of the demise of traditional advertising. However, traditional advertising is alive and well!”

Traditional and digital advertising, when used together, can broaden your reach, build more credibility, resonate brand presence, and motivate buying from consumers who otherwise might not watch or listen to digital marketing messages.

Every company uses advertising in one form or another to help promote their business. Are you targeting the right publications? Do your ads contain strong calls to action? If you need help putting your advertising strategy in place, give the Edmiston Group a call at 724.612.0755. We can measure the effectiveness of your advertising plan and make adjustments to drive more success for your business.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

hands of a young woman using mobile phone in modern shopping mall.

4 Steps to Creating a Holiday Offer to End Your Year on a High Note

hands of a young woman using mobile phone in modern shopping mall.

For many business owners, whether you have a brick-and-mortar or online business, December is a critical month for achieving your annual sales goals. If you’re hoping to end the year with increased sales, now is the time to plan a special year-end or holiday offer.

To guide you in creating your offer, here is a four-step process to ensure you craft an offer that is great for both your business and your audience.

Step 1: Determine Your Holiday Marketing Goals

The first step to success is setting your goals. As always, you’ll want to set goals that are time-based, measurable, and reasonable. Once you create your goals, you can further define whether each goal is for new customers and/or increased sales to existing customers.

Here are sample holiday marketing goals that take into consideration revenue and timing. 

 – Achieve a revenue base of $12,500 for the month of December.

 – Increase my daily average sales for the month of December by 12%.

 – Host a networking event with an attendance of at least 50 business owners that results in sales of $3,000.

Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience

After you’ve set your goals, it’s time to focus on defining your audience. The better job you do at defining your audience, the more you will be able to connect with your audience when it comes time to create and promote the offer. 

Instead of skipping this step because you’ve done it a million times, take a few moments and visualize your audience. Think about who your best customers are. What do they like? What is their financial status? Where do they live? What interests them? What inspires them to action? In the next step, you’ll be creating an offer for these individuals.   

But first, once you’ve identified your general audience, determine if you want to segment your audience. Do you have VIP customers that you want to do a little extra for? Do you want to invite customers who haven’t been in touch for a while? Or are you more focused on attracting new prospects? This will help you determine if you will have one offer to support your goal, or if you will have variations of an offer for special segments of your audience.

Step 3: Create Your Holiday Offer

Now that you’ve taken the time to really consider your audience, determine what product or service you want to promote. Envisioning your target audience, which of your products or services would benefit them the most in December? Is it a specific item or maybe it’s how you package existing items? What will make it easy for your customers to say yes? Be creative!

Once you have determined the product, determine what incentive is most likely to inspire your audience to act and that will support your goal. Is it a percent off, buy one get one, a free stocking stuffer, or perhaps bonus dollars? You want to package your offer in a way that appeals to your audience.

Step 4: Promote Your Holiday Offer

Now that you have a nicely packaged offer, it’s time to promote it.

Consider all your marketing options, which include direct emails, texts, online and/or conventional ads, posters, banners, newspaper ads, and online social posts. If you have a VIP offer, maybe you will want to send a special invitation via mail or give your customer a call. 

When it comes to email marketing, begin sending direct emails at least a few weeks in advance, send a reminder a couple of days to one week prior, and send a last-chance email.

These four steps of setting your holiday goals, defining your target audience, creating your offer, and then promoting your offer are four simple steps that can lead to a great close to your year-end sales. Cheers to your holiday success.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Back-to-school sales poster with realistic school supplies. Paper cut style letters on blackboard background. Vector illustration.

Maximize Your Business Success with a Back-to-School Sale

As the summer days wind down and the back-to-school season approaches, as a small business owner, you have a golden opportunity to boost your business revenue and to engage with your community through a well-executed back-to-school sale. This annual tradition doesn’t just benefit students and parents; it can significantly impact your business’s success. According to an article by Statista, “American parents, guardians, and children were planning to spend an estimated total of 41.5 billion U.S. dollars. This would equate to roughly 890 U.S. dollars in school supply expenses per American household”. Let’s delve into why a back-to-school sale is essential for small businesses and how to make the most of it.

Back-to-school sales poster with realistic school supplies. Paper cut style letters on blackboard background. Vector illustration.

Why Back-to-School Sales Matter:

  1. Increased Foot Traffic and Online Traffic: Back-to-school shopping is a seasonal ritual that drives customers to your store or website. Capitalize on this heightened interest to expand your customer base.
  2. Revenue Boost: A well-promoted sale can bring a surge of income during a period when spending is on the rise. It’s an excellent way to make up for any lulls you might have experienced earlier in the year.
  3. Brand Awareness and Engagement: Offering exclusive deals during a back-to-school sale can create a buzz around your brand. It encourages potential customers to interact with your business and become loyal patrons.

Strategies for a Successful Back-to-School Sale:

  1. Early Planning: Start your preparations well in advance. Decide on the dates, discounts, and marketing strategies you’ll implement.
  2. Attractive Discounts: Consider offering enticing discounts on school supplies, clothing, and accessories. Bundle deals and “buy one, get one” offers can also attract attention.
  3. Multichannel Promotion: Utilize your online presence, social media platforms, email newsletters, and physical storefront to spread the word about your sale.
  4. Themed Marketing: Craft engaging marketing materials with a back-to-school theme. Use visuals that resonate with students, parents, and educators.
  5. Incentivize Loyalty: Consider offering additional discounts for repeat customers or creating a loyalty program to encourage future purchases.
  6. Collaborations: Partner with local schools or educational organizations for mutually beneficial promotions. This can strengthen community ties and increase your reach.

Key Takeaways:

Back-to-school sales aren’t just about boosting sales for a limited period. They’re an opportunity to showcase your business, attract new customers, and foster loyalty among your existing clientele. By offering attractive deals and a positive shopping experience, you create a lasting impression that can translate into repeat business throughout the year.

As a small business owner, you have the advantage of agility and personalization that larger corporations often lack. Use this to your advantage by tailoring your back-to-school sale to resonate with your local community’s needs and preferences. With careful planning and creative marketing, your back-to-school sale can become a cornerstone of your business’s success year after year.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Contact Us. Creative Collage Of Smartphone With New Messages Notification And Communication Tools Icons Flying Around

Boost Your Trade Show Success: Harness Automation for Efficient Selling and Lead Generation

Contact Us. Creative Collage Of Smartphone With New Messages Notification And Communication Tools Icons Flying Around

Trade shows present a valuable opportunity for small business owners to showcase your products and connect with potential buyers. However, managing the selling process and collecting vital buyer information can be a time-consuming process. 

Fortunately, automation can improve your trade show experience by streamlining sales and lead generation. In this blog, we explore how small business owners can leverage automation to enhance your trade show success and maximize your return on investment.

Streamline the Sales Process

When sponsoring a trade show booth, streamlining the sales process is crucial for maximizing your revenue and customer satisfaction. To achieve this, consider implementing a mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) system such as Square. This kind of App allows you to process transactions on the go, ensuring a seamless and efficient buying experience for your customers.

You can also incorporate barcodes or QR code scanning technologies for more accurate transaction processing and to expedite purchases while minimizing the risk of human error. Integrating your inventory management system with your sales platform can ensure visibility of real-time product availability, and eliminate the risk of overselling and disappointing potential buyers. By embracing these strategies, you can enhance your sales process, boost customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive greater success at trade shows.

Capture Lead Information Efficiently

Efficiently capturing lead information is essential when sponsoring a trade show booth so you can nurture potential buyers and convert them into loyal customers. To achieve this, consider investing in a lead capture app, such as iCapture. iCapture can help streamline the process, allowing you to seamlessly collect valuable buyer information such as contact details and product interests, right on the spot. 

Furthermore, by taking advantage of badge scanning technology, you can quickly capture attendee information from trade show badges, saving time and ensuring accuracy. By implementing these strategies, you can efficiently capture lead information, establish meaningful connections with prospects, and enhance your chances of post-trade show success.

Automate Follow-up Communication

Automating your follow-up communication is a key strategy for maximizing the impact of your trade show booth sponsorship. Begin by setting up automated email marketing campaigns that nurture leads and provide personalized product recommendations. This will ensure that potential buyers feel engaged and valued. 

And, don’t forget to send timely follow-up emails that provide relevant information, exclusive trade show discounts, or special offers. This will keep your brand top of mind! By automating your follow-up communication, you can build stronger relationships, increase customer engagement, and ultimately drive higher post-trade show conversions.

I like to use Constant Contact. If you would like to grow your audience for your small business with an all-in-one digital marketing platform, use this link to sign up or give me a call at (724)612-0755… I would love to help!

Leverage Social Media Automation

Leveraging social media automation can significantly enhance your trade show booth sponsorship by amplifying your brand’s reach and engaging with potential buyers. Start by scheduling and automating social media posts before, during, and after the trade show to generate buzz, create excitement, and attract attendees to your booth. Additionally, utilize chatbots on social media platforms to proactively engage with potential buyers, answer their queries, and collect contact information. This will ensure a seamless and interactive experience for interested prospects. 

Analyze and Optimize Performance

Analyzing and optimizing performance is crucial when sponsoring a trade show booth to ensure maximum return on your investment. Utilize analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of your trade show efforts, tracking key metrics such as booth traffic, engagement, and conversion rates. These measurements will enable you to make data-driven decisions for improvement. 

You can also collect and analyze data on buyer preferences, demographics, and purchase behavior to gain insights into your target audience – allowing you to refine your marketing strategies and tailor your offerings to their needs. By adopting a proactive approach to performance analysis and optimization, you can continuously improve your trade show outcomes and drive long-term growth for your small business

Are you ready to take your trade show success to the next level? Start implementing automation techniques and tools today to enhance your selling process and generate valuable leads. Embrace automation, and let it help boost your trade show success!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

An open envelope with the words Mailing List to illustrate a file of customers, readers, subscribers or recipients for your marketing message or communication

Growth Strategies to Get People Excited to Join Your Email List

An open envelope with the words Mailing List to illustrate a file of customers, readers, subscribers or recipients for your marketing message or communication

Your email marketing list is one of your most valuable business assets! Why? It’s simple. You own it. You can reach out to your audience when you want. You don’t have to ‘work around’ complicated algorithms that you encounter on social media platforms. You don’t have to pay advertising fees to send your email, and you can even send targeted emails to different segments within your list.

The Value of Your List

Did you know that 71% of consumers prefer buying from companies aligned with their values? The key word in growing your list is VALUE. Focusing on inviting the right types of individuals to be on your list can add value to that person, to their business, or to some aspect of their life. Perhaps they are a great strategic partner and you can help each other out? Growing your list is about more than size. It is about quality and intention. Do it right, and you can set yourself apart as a leader in your industry or community, gain recognition for your authority and expertise, grow your referral network, stay top-of-mind with those important to your business growth, and ultimately, grow your business.

Get Consent

It’s true. You need to get consent to add people to your list. Exchanging business cards is not consent. Utilize a sign-up form, text-to-join, or even a lead magnet to grow your list. Take time to learn about CAN-SPAM, GDPR, and other regulations.

List GROWTH Strategy 

There are many ways to grow your email list. Here are just a few examples: 

  • Create an Assessment Quiz: Develop an interactive survey or quiz that segments readers into descriptive categories that are aligned with your selling cycle and their journey.
  • Create a Fun # Your Audience Will Identify With: Who doesn’t want to belong? Be creative! Think of and incorporate a # onto your sign-up form and button.
  • Provide a Free Report, Checklist, or Whitepaper: Create, design AND share great content that helps your audience solve a problem.
  • Free Webinar: Invite your audience to a limited-time LIVE webinar and/or make a recorded webinar available for free.
  • Free Giveaways – such as Book or Video: YES! If your price point is high-enough, why not mail a book to great leads – they pay shipping only – or you cover that too. Alternatively, provide a free e-book for download.
  • Run a Challenge: Share a short training program via automated emails that can be completed in one week or less (i.e. 3-Day Challenge, 7-Day Challenge).
  • Just Ask!: On a phone call? Networking? Offer to send a relevant newsletter directly to them and ask if they would also like to be added to your list!
  • Text-to-Join: Do you speak at events? Ask your audience to sign-up during your talk! Provide the slide deck, or other relevant content, in return. Be sure to let them know they are signing up for your newsletter and that they can easily unsubscribe.
  • Cover the Basics!: Make sure you cover the basics! Can readers easily sign up for your newsletter via your website, blogs, Facebook, email signature, and even invoices?

Growing your email list doesn’t have to be hard. By being creative, showing value, and stretching the boundaries of your current audience, you can see significant growth in your email list. 

And Last But Not Least, Thank Them!

Your audience is giving you their TIME and ATTENTION. Be sure to provide true value in return. Share your knowledge, share discounts, and let them know you care!

If you aren’t sure where to start, give me a call at (724) 612-0755 so we can assess your needs and create a more effective marketing strategy.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Opened suitcase with clothes and different accessories for travelling on light wooden floor

3 Reasons Why Every Business Owner Needs A Vacation

Opened suitcase with clothes and different accessories for travelling on light wooden floor

It’s the start of summertime –  most people start thinking about taking a vacation and spending quality time with their families. Yet, small business owners often feel like they cannot take a vacation. Why? They think they are too busy or that their business will fall apart in their absence. However, It’s important to recognize the benefits of taking a vacation.

Here are 3 reasons why every business owner needs to take a vacation:

1. You need it. 

If you are a  small business owner, you are likely overworked. Being overworked can cause irritability, resentment, burnout and magnify mistakes on the job. The reason? It goes back to the importance of rest. Our minds and bodies need rest. We need a break from the stress of running a business. When our bodies and minds are rested, we are more refreshed. By stepping away from our work and resetting the body and mind, it allows us to perform at our highest potential. When we perform at our highest potential, we often feel more motivated and energized when returning back to the office. Taking a vacation is good for you!

2. Your business needs it.

If you want to continue to grow your business, then you need to take the time to take a vacation. Taking a vacation might seem counterproductive when you’re trying to run a successful business, but it might be exactly what your business needs. 

By being away from the business, you can refocus. Without the day-to-day pressures of the office, you can use the time and surroundings of a calming and relaxing environment to see problems more clearly and from a fresh perspective. This fresh perspective brings new ideas for things “to do” for your business as well as things “not to do”. Think of your vacation as a compass that can point you in the right direction, and right you if you are heading in the wrong direction. 

Vacations can also help uncover issues with employees or outdated business practices while you are away. The time away will allow you to fix these issues if you didn’t know existed, ultimately, making your business more enjoyable to work at, more valuable and more efficient. Taking a vacation is good for your business!

3. Your Family Needs it.

As a business owner, you are not the only one feeling the repercussions of stress. Your family has their own stress too. Taking a vacation allows you and your family to leave behind the stress of their normal routines and allows you to connect and bond with them in a less stressful environment. Vacations will give everybody the opportunity to relax and enjoy themselves. This will help create stronger connections, create lasting memories, and foster stronger relationships.

Vacations help keep life in perspective. Your business is likely one of the most important aspects of your life. But, it’s important to remember that it is just a business. It shouldn’t be the only thing that defines you. Your family, friends and incorporating a work-life balance will help both you and your business to be more productive.

So if you’re tempted to say that you just don’t have time to go on vacation right now, keep in mind that not taking a vacation could be a huge disservice to yourself, your business, and your relationships. 

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Hand writing sign Newsletter Marketing, Conceptual photo act of sending a commercial messages to customer

What Email Newsletter Style is Best for You?

Hand writing sign Newsletter Marketing, Conceptual photo act of sending a commercial messages to customer

One of the primary benefits of an email newsletter is connecting with prospective and previous buyers. Just as you have a certain style for your brand, the type of newsletter you share should match your brand style. Your email newsletter should complement other communications from your organization, including your logo, your brand colors and the design of your website. The voice used in your newsletter also needs to share your company’s brand tone as well. 

Here are 3 Types of Email Marketing Styles you can use for your newsletter to reflect your brand and serve your audience:

1. Informational/Educational

Create an informational or educational newsletter by sharing useful information with your readers about your products or services as well as giving behind-the-scenes details about your business. You can also provide educational content to subscribers by providing innovative ways they can use your products through tutorials, videos or a series of images. You can also share industry-specific information that will help your audience stay informed and/or take action around a specific issue.

For Example: If you are a specialty mattress manufacturer, you can share specifications on your mattress options such as available sizes and models. You can also include a video detailing the workmanship and the use of quality materials during the manufacturing process. If you provide tech support services to small businesses, you can share information on the latest security concerns around cloud backup systems.

2. Sales

Using your email marketing newsletter to directly sell your products and services is another style you can use. You can feature new products or best-selling items, along with customer testimonials. Or you can provide subscriber-only limited-time discounts, coupons or promotional pricing. You can also drive your readers directly to your website to increase sales.

3. Inspirational

Knowing your subscribers and what motivates them is very important. Using examples or stories of inspiration can trigger readers to do something about their life or the problems they have at hand using the solutions you provide. Your newsletter content should cultivate empathy, deliver the struggle positively and deliver a message of hope. It should be used to motivate and assist your readers in helping themselves in reaching their goals, be happy, be successful, and most importantly, feel good about themselves.

Choosing the right style of email and content for your audience will help keep your readers looking forward to your next newsletter.

Tip: The goal is not to incorporate all your topics of content at once. Spread it out. Sometimes less is more. It’s helpful to develop an email content calendar where you plan out your content in advance to help keep your readers looking forward to your next newsletter. If you need assistance in planning your content calendar, email me at [email protected]. The Edmiston Group would love to help!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.