Young children with backpacks runningon sidewalk for back-to-school sales

Back-to-School Boost: Why Back-to-School Sales Matter

As summer rolls on, smart small business owners are already thinking ahead to the back-to-school rush. This annual shopping spree is a prime opportunity to boost your revenue, attract new customers, and engage with your community. It’s not too late to plan and kick off your back-to-school sale!

Make the decision right now to dedicate time during these summer months to strategic planning and preparation. The groundwork you lay now in connecting with and growing your audience will serve you again in just a few months when it’s time to launch holiday promotions.

Why Back-to-School Sales Matter

Back-to-school shopping is more than just pencils and notebooks; it’s a seasonal ritual ingrained in consumer behavior and applies to so much more than school supplies. As the summer heat wanes and the fall briskness begins to fill the air, the energy of consumers shifts as well. This surge in spending presents a significant opportunity for businesses, small and large, to capitalize on increased foot traffic and online activity.

3 Long-Term Benefits of a Back-to-School Sale

A well-executed back-to-school sale offers benefits beyond the immediate revenue boost. Your hard work also results in:

Expand Your Customer Base: You’ll attract new customers who are seeking deals, and this will introduce them to your brand. You can even encourage your existing customers to bring a friend.

Increase Brand Awareness and Engagement: The buzz you’ll generate around your brand will encourage interaction with your brand and products or services through exclusive offers and promotions.

Build Customer Loyalty: Your sale has the potential to convert first-time buyers into loyal customers through excellent service and targeted promotions. And it goes without saying that this is an excellent opportunity to increase loyalty for existing customers as well.

If these benefits resonate with you and you’re ready to plan and prepare your sale now, here is our last blog with 6 steps on how to prepare for your back-to-school sale.

4 Strategies for Back-to-School Success

Early Planning: Don’t wait until the last minute! Begin planning your sale well in advance, determining the dates, duration, discounts, and marketing strategies.

Attractive Discounts: Entice customers with compelling discounts not only on school-related merchandise, such as supplies, clothing, and accessories, but also on ‘gifts for mom.’ Be creative in how you can apply a back-to-school sale to a wide range of products and services. Consider bundle deals and “buy one, get one” offers to attract attention and increase sales.

Themed Marketing: Capture the spirit of the season with engaging marketing materials designed around a back-to-school theme. Visuals resonating with students, parents, and educators, and even those reminiscing about their school days can significantly enhance your campaign’s impact.

Multichannel Promotion: Utilize multiple channels to spread the word about your sale. This can include your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and digital ads. Also be sure to incorporate print assets such as flyers, mailers, in-store signage, and local advertising.

Partner for Even More Success

Back-to-school sales are a great way to showcase your business, attract new customers, and cultivate loyalty. Consider who you might be able to partner with for cross-promotion. This can be another merchant, a non-profit organization that serves children, or a local business that provides services to families, teachers, or children.

By offering well-branded promotional deals and a positive shopping experience, you create a lasting impression that translates into repeat business throughout the year. And that includes new opportunities that are just around the corner, such as Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday in November, and holiday sales and promotions in December. Are you interested in assistance with your next campaign? With our expertise in business development strategies, website creation, social media management, and marketing, we can help you develop a tailored approach to maximize your back-to-school success. Contact Autumn at Edmiston Group today to discuss your needs.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Marketing concept for Back to School Sale Design with Alarm Clock, Colorful Pencil, Brush and other Learning Items on Square Grid and

6 Steps to Prepare for Your Back-to-School Sale

Summer is here, but for savvy small business owners, now is the best time to start thinking about the back-to-school season. Back-to-school season is often a wonderful opportunity for small business owners to boost revenue and engage with your community. Don’t let the “lazy days of summer” fool you. It’s so important to plan during the summer months for a successful back-to-school sale.

Why Back-to-School Sales Are Essential for Small Businesses

Parents, guardians, and children in the United States spent an estimated total of $41.5 billion during the back-to-school shopping season last year. This translates to roughly $890 per American household. Therefore, hosting a back-to-school sale is likely a prime opportunity to boost your bottom line following summer vacations and perhaps lackluster sales.

The benefits of a back-to-school sale reach beyond the potential for an immediate revenue boost. Your business will also benefit from increased foot and/or online traffic and increased brand awareness and engagement around your brand. Both of which support growing your loyal customer base. 

When to Start Planning

Begin your planning in early summer to allow ample time for strategizing, implementation, and promotion. Doing so will support you in maximizing the brand awareness and revenue potential of the shopping season.

How to Create a Successful Back-to-School Sale

If running a back-to-school sale is new to you, it might feel overwhelming. Follow these six steps and you’ll be well on your way to hosting your first (or next) back-to-school sale!

1. Define Your Target Audience

When you think of the current audience(s) you serve, which segment is most likely to positively respond to a back-to-school sale? Before continuing to the next step, fully describe who you are targeting.

2. Offer Compelling Discounts and Promotions

Now that you have defined your audience, what discounts or promotions will resonate with this audience the most? Below are a few ideas to consider. You might also ask a few of your favorite clients or fans to share their favorite promotions.

  • Attractive Discounts: Entice customers with significant markdowns on popular back-to-school items or services.  
  • Bundle Deals: Encourage larger purchases by offering discounts on combined items. 
  • Buy One, Get One (BOGO) Offers: Increase your sales volume with BOGO deals. Decide ahead if you will honor one item at fifty percent off. Include these details on any coupons or marketing materials. 
  • Doorbuster Deals: For fast sales in a limited time, offer a few limited-time, deeply discounted items to attract customers to your store or website.

3. Create a Back-to-School Atmosphere for Your Campaign Assets

When preparing your marketing concept, consider the tone you want to set for your audience. Be creative in how you can incorporate the back-to-school concept into your online and print marketing materials, email sales flyers, and if you have a brick-and-mortar store, your sales area.

Once you have your concept, design marketing collateral using visuals that appeal to your target audience and carry this into your social media campaigns, print ads, and relevant website pages.

This is a great opportunity to collaborate with influencers who might promote your products or services to their engaged audience.

4. Extend Your Reach

Now that you have your campaign assets, be sure to utilize your website, social media, and email newsletters to promote your sale. To reach an even wider audience, also consider flyers, in-store signage, and local advertising.

To extend your reach further, get creative! Take time and consider who you can partner with. Are there local schools or non-profits that benefit school-age children to whom you could donate a portion of your sales? Are there exclusive discounts you can offer to students or staff of a specific school? Are there other business owners you could cross-promote with?  Could your business be a backpack collection point for less fortunate families that need a little help?  

5. Consider Unique Approaches

Because back-to-school sales are known to have success, they are also common. How can you make your business sale stand out? Again, put on your creative hat and have some fun! Here are two ideas to get you started.

  • Organize a fun event at your store with special discounts, activities, and refreshments to create excitement and attract families. Include fun giveaways to entice more of your audience into your store.
  • Collaborate with another business to bring your goods and services to their location. This can be a win-win for you, the businesses you partner with, and your audience.

6. Evaluate Your Resources

Back-to-school season is a busy time for both parents and small businesses. Before your big sale, review your staffing, inventory, and marketing resources to ensure your business is ready to handle increased demand.

For expert guidance on developing and executing a winning back-to-school strategy, contact Autumn Edmiston at Edmiston Group. With expertise in marketing, strategic planning, and business development, we can help you navigate this back-to-school season.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Optimize Your Business - light bulb made of social icons on blue background

Optimize Your Business with Your Branding, Marketing, Strategy and Digital Presence

In today’s competitive business landscape, it’s important that you take action to optimize your business for success. You can take action by building a strong brand, developing an aligned marketing strategy, and executing an effective online and social presence. Taking these steps is crucial to achieving your goals and ultimately your success.

In this blog, we share four key areas that create a comprehensive approach that empowers you to establish a powerful brand identity, reach your target audience, and achieve your growth goals.

Four Core Areas You Must Align to Optimize Your Business

Branding – Do Your Customers Know Your Brand?

Your brand is more than just a logo and a name; it’s the personality and perception of your business. In building a strong brand, you help establish recognition and trust with your target audience, which in turn can drive customer loyalty. The following are important aspects in building a consistent brand:

  • Logo Design: Create a memorable and impactful logo that reflects your company’s values.
  • Branding Guide: Ensure consistency in all your marketing materials, from brochures to social media posts.
  • Stationary and Signage Solutions: Design eye-catching and professional stationary and signage that establishes your presence in the physical world.

Marketing – Spark Creative Thinking to Fuel Growth!

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business. Effective marketing is crucial for reaching your ideal audience and driving results. You must have targeted marketing strategies that promote your products or services, engage with potential customers, and ultimately increase sales. Your marketing assets and strategies can include: 

  • Marketing Collateral: Create compelling collateral such as brochures, flyers, and other materials that communicate your message effectively.
  • Tradeshow Toolbox: Have the right tools in place to generate pre-tradeshow buzz that aligns with an expertly designed booth.
  • Event Execution and Business Launches: Plan and execute successful events and launches with targeted and proven processes that generate leads and build relationships with potential customers.

Strategic Planning – Strategic Vision, Tactical Execution

A clear strategic plan is essential for guiding your business toward success. By strategically focusing on your networking and marketing, and strategical planning how to achieve your goals, you optimize your success via strategic growth. Here are three specific areas to focus on: 

  • Define Goals and Vision that support Growth and Expansion: Set clear and achievable goals to drive your business forward.
  • Identify Opportunities: Analyze market trends and identify opportunities for growth and expansion, such as tradeshow opportunities.
  • Business Coaching: Leverage the expertise of business coaches to enhance your strategic thinking and decision-making. Doing so can be transformational to your business. 

Digital Presence – Amplify Your Brand Through Digital Channels

In today’s business landscape, a strong online presence is indispensable. Your online presence is important in both showcasing your products and services and in engaging with your audience. A well-optimized website and active social media presence can also help you reach a wider audience, generate leads, and drive sales. Your digital presence can include: 

  • Website: Make sure your website showcases your products and services and is responsive and user-friendly for your readers.  
  • Social Media & Digital Newsletter: Utilize social media and newsletters to reach your customers, engage with your audience, build relationships, and generate leads.
  • Video Production: Create compelling videos that tell your company’s story and captivate your audience.

By implementing these strategies, you can optimize your business for success. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take your business to the next level.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Business woman and man having a meeting at a table.

How to Connect Authentically with Your Audience

Business woman and man having a meeting at a table.

To best connect with your audience, it is essential to develop an authentic voice that accurately communicates your brand. By having a deep understanding of your audience’s needs, wants, and preferences, you can create tailored campaigns that resonate with them and create a connection.

This connection with your target audience is vital for your business. It will help you determine how your audience reacts to different events, items, and situations. Your ability to establish an emotional connection supports building trust, determines your credibility, and can make the difference between being evaluated positively or negatively and even being believed or doubted. When done well, the emotional connection can result in increased brand loyalty and sales. So, how do you connect with your audience?

Tell Stories

The key to telling stories is to give the audience an emotional experience. Storytelling connects people. Storytelling can lead to a better understanding of your content and longer retention of your messages. People remember stories because they can relate to them. 

Meet Your Audience

There is no better way to connect with your audience than to get outside and meet them. So, take some time out of the office, leave those distractions behind, and strike up conversations with your audience. You can truly discover what they like, what don’t they like, and what their challenges are. You can then take this information back to the office and specifically tailor your messaging to their responses from your conversation with them.

Be Passionate

Be passionate and enthusiastic. Your enthusiasm and passion for your brand can be contagious and help to engage your audience. If you show your genuine interest and excitement for your product or service, your audience will be more excited and more likely to listen… and act upon what you have to say.

Businesses that prioritize this connection over just seeking sales transactions create a loyal customer base that is more resistant to competitive pressures and re-enforces their brand loyalty.

The key to connecting with your audience is to respond to your audience’s needs authentically. Take the time to find out who they are, and what’s important to them, and listen closely to their needs, pains, and expectations. Then take action in your marketing and messaging to create an effective, data-backed marketing campaign that tells a story, speaks to your audience, and creates a solution in their lives.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

A-blue-background-with-multiple-words-of marketing-tools-and-a-finger-pointied-to-the-words-Product-Launch.

7 Marketing Steps to a Successful Product Launch

A-blue-background-with-multiple-words-of marketing-tools-and-a-finger-pointied-to-the-words-Product-Launch.

Launching a new product demands strategic planning, creativity, and an understanding of the ever-changing marketing landscape. The success of your product launch depends on more than the quality of the product; it also depends on having a strong brand with a supporting marketing plan that captivates the target audience and propels the brand into the spotlight. In this blog, learn about the 7 essential marketing steps to help you create a successful product launch.

STEP 1: Build a solid brand foundation

A strong company starts with a solid foundation from which to build the brand. In other words: 

  • Ensure there is not a name conflict with your business name.
  • Create a strong identity with your logo and consistently utilize it in the same fashion.
  • If appropriate, create a corporate identity with divisional names and logos for each product line.
  • What is the strategy for business growth? Is your strategy based on market research?

STEP 2: Create signage to share your message

Carry your brand across all markets via your signage clearly and consistently.

  • If you utilize branded vehicles as a moving billboard – are they conveying the right message? Do they meet the appropriate size specifications? 
  • Your products present real estate for showcasing your company brand. Are you smartly utilizing that space?
  • Your social media cover images and email headers also offer real estate for consistently presenting your brand.

STEP 3: Bring your story to life

To bring your story to life, incorporate photos that professionally showcase your company. You’ll want to identify key areas of your business.

  • Create a storyboard that outlines the story to easily enlist the help of your staff and your marketing support to ensure no key points are missed.
  • A professional photo shoot allows you to showcase your products or services in a professional manner.
  • Consider the use of a professional voiceover for commercial purposes.

STEP 4: Build your online presence

It’s important to consistently integrate your company brand online, both visually and in your content messaging.

  • Ensure your website is mobile-responsive.
  • Apply your brand to each social media channel you are integrating into your marketing efforts.
  • Have a plan for updating your site on an ongoing basis.

STEP 5: Create marketing collateral 

Ensure your marketing materials and advertising describe your services and help your sales staff tell your story.

  • Ensure your materials are professionally produced, both online and in print. These materials might be a potential client’s first impression of your business. Make it a good one!
  • Determine what type of communication you will use to sell your product. Will you integrate a system for business letters of introduction and stay in touch with digital marketing?
  • Do your print and/or online ads have appropriate calls to action?
  • Incorporate QR codes into your marketing collateral for increased engagement from your audience.

STEP 6: Put together your tradeshow toolbox.

You’ve invested time and money into developing your booth space and now the show is quickly approaching. Are you ready?

  • Does your booth portray your brand and look professional?
  • How are you going to drive traffic to your booth?
  • Do you have a strategy for a giveaway?
  • Are you prepared to ask open-ended questions that lead to warm leads?
  • What will your next step be after the trade show? Do those leads go into a draw, or do you have a process in place to follow up and close business?

STEP 7: Make the most of your brand.

After all your hard work investing in your brand and brand exposure, it’s important to plan strategically for your business growth. Here are several actions to keep in mind:

  • Form aligned strategic partnerships.
  • Reflect any service or product changes in your marketing.
  • Develop your advertising message, including a strong call to action.
  • Determine which advertising channels are appropriate for your company.
  • What is the role of social media and digital marketing in your business growth?
  • Determine what trade shows you will participate in. 

Our clients often ask us how to plan for their business growth. As part of a strategic marketing plan, we work with small businesses to analyze the state of current business and goals for growth. You can view a case study representing the work of Edmiston Group for a product launch for MEI Cybercorp here.

These seven steps are guidelines for a successful product launch. If you need help with honing your brand or crafting your marketing plan for your new product launch, the Edmiston Group can help. Call me at (724)612-0755. Part of being successful is knowing where you want to go and how to get there. Together, we can make that happen.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.


Using QR Codes to Engage Your Audience


It’s 2024 and an ‘old’ tool has made a BIG comeback and offers a solution to increase engagement with your audience! QR codes are an excellent and affordable way to build direct connections with your customers by inviting them to engage with different aspects of your business immediately, thus enhancing their engagement. 

History of the comeback of the QR code

QR codes (Quick Response codes), whose origins date back to 1994 as a way to track automobile parts during assembly, have emerged as an indispensable marketing tool no matter your industry or the type of business you own. We can even track the inspiration for QR codes back to the early 1950s when a spinoff of the UPC code was first patented. 

As technology developed, IBM restructured this original bullseye UPC barcode into what you recognize today. However, as the new millennium ushered in, shortcomings were revealed. UPC barcodes were limited in how much information they could hold and the price of scanning equipment was inconvenient. This paved the way for QR codes.

Over the years, QR codes continued to be developed but were not widely accepted. That began to change in 2002 when the development of the smartphone allowed for a QR Code reading feature. In 2012, the QR code began gaining momentum and marketers saw this as an opportunity to label all marketing materials to direct people to their website. However, it was a fad that fizzled out quickly.

Why are QR codes so popular now… and are they here to stay?  

With the start of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, there was a desire and need for more contactless transactions. QR codes were the perfect solution. For example, buyers could scan a QR code with their phone, read a menu on their phone, and then pay without handling cash or using a card reader.

Beyond the pandemic, business owners have now realized the benefits. A menu, product page or website page — you name it — can be updated digitally without having the additional expense of printing new marketing or display materials. 

Because of the changes in structures, culture, and personal preferences that occurred during this pivotal time in history, a large portion of the population became trained and eager to use QR codes. Research shared by Statistica estimates that the usage of mobile QR codes is projected to reach over 100 million users in the US by 2025. Based on a survey of US shoppers in 2021, 45% of respondents used QR codes within the past 3 months to access marketing or promotional offers.

Benefits of using QR codes on your marketing materials

Once you add the QR code or codes to your printed materials, you have the benefit of only updating the digital product. This gives business owners more flexibility, adaptability, and lower expenses. 

Here are 3 additional benefits of using QR codes

  1. Drive engagement. When users scan the QR Code, they can be instantly transported to a social media page, an online shop, or a coupon link, allowing them to respond and interact in the moment!  
  2. Support contact-free interaction, any time 24/7. Many individuals still prefer to limit contact and appreciate the ease of viewing menus, product information, and more right on their phones with the quick scan of a QR code.
  3. Offer an easy and cost-effective solution. QR codes are simple to generate and require minimal investment. Many online tools and mobile apps are available to create your unique QR codes. From here, you can incorporate them into your existing marketing materials, product packaging, and signage without exhausting your budget.

Ideas on where to use your next QR Code

Before creating QR codes for the sake of creating codes, consider your business strategy. Where will your prospects and buyers see your QR code and how will a QR code benefit your buyer and your business?

Printed materials: Download a menu, share a lead magnet, brochure, or product information. Or provide a link to set an appointment.

Business card: Choose an action that aligns with your goals! A link to your website, LinkedIn profile, or to your contact information. 

Tradeshow Booth: Learn about your products or sign up for your newsletter.

Signs: View a restaurant menu, a list of services, detailed product information, or even an audio tour. 

Events: View a registration page for easy registration, learn about an event, or stay up to date with the event agenda and guest speakers.

Make purchases: Quick links that take the individual directly to learn more or to purchase books, music, and products or services. 

How to Use QR Codes

QR codes are versatile and their use is largely limited to your imagination. How will you use QR codes in your marketing strategy? To help you get started, here are 2 free QR code generators you can begin using today. 

ForQRCode: Uses an easy four-step process for creating custom QR codes with logos that will never expire. It is one of the most popular free QR code generator tools available.

QRCodemonkey: Generates print-quality codes with high resolutions that will be fit for print purposes. It is great for running more than one marketing campaign at the same time as it offers bulk creation and campaign folder features as well as scan statistics.

Ready to get started?

QR codes can help you, as a business owner and marketer, drive brand awareness, increase engagement with your audience, and foster meaningful connections. As they also offer a versatile means to deliver information, market promotions. and provide a more immersive experience — right in the palm of your buyers’ hands — they also offer a way to support increased revenue and business growth.

If you want to incorporate QR codes into your 2024 Marketing Strategy, give me a call at (724)612-0755. Let’s take advantage of this trend while the fire is still hot.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

hands of a young woman using mobile phone in modern shopping mall.

4 Steps to Creating a Holiday Offer to End Your Year on a High Note

hands of a young woman using mobile phone in modern shopping mall.

For many business owners, whether you have a brick-and-mortar or online business, December is a critical month for achieving your annual sales goals. If you’re hoping to end the year with increased sales, now is the time to plan a special year-end or holiday offer.

To guide you in creating your offer, here is a four-step process to ensure you craft an offer that is great for both your business and your audience.

Step 1: Determine Your Holiday Marketing Goals

The first step to success is setting your goals. As always, you’ll want to set goals that are time-based, measurable, and reasonable. Once you create your goals, you can further define whether each goal is for new customers and/or increased sales to existing customers.

Here are sample holiday marketing goals that take into consideration revenue and timing. 

 – Achieve a revenue base of $12,500 for the month of December.

 – Increase my daily average sales for the month of December by 12%.

 – Host a networking event with an attendance of at least 50 business owners that results in sales of $3,000.

Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience

After you’ve set your goals, it’s time to focus on defining your audience. The better job you do at defining your audience, the more you will be able to connect with your audience when it comes time to create and promote the offer. 

Instead of skipping this step because you’ve done it a million times, take a few moments and visualize your audience. Think about who your best customers are. What do they like? What is their financial status? Where do they live? What interests them? What inspires them to action? In the next step, you’ll be creating an offer for these individuals.   

But first, once you’ve identified your general audience, determine if you want to segment your audience. Do you have VIP customers that you want to do a little extra for? Do you want to invite customers who haven’t been in touch for a while? Or are you more focused on attracting new prospects? This will help you determine if you will have one offer to support your goal, or if you will have variations of an offer for special segments of your audience.

Step 3: Create Your Holiday Offer

Now that you’ve taken the time to really consider your audience, determine what product or service you want to promote. Envisioning your target audience, which of your products or services would benefit them the most in December? Is it a specific item or maybe it’s how you package existing items? What will make it easy for your customers to say yes? Be creative!

Once you have determined the product, determine what incentive is most likely to inspire your audience to act and that will support your goal. Is it a percent off, buy one get one, a free stocking stuffer, or perhaps bonus dollars? You want to package your offer in a way that appeals to your audience.

Step 4: Promote Your Holiday Offer

Now that you have a nicely packaged offer, it’s time to promote it.

Consider all your marketing options, which include direct emails, texts, online and/or conventional ads, posters, banners, newspaper ads, and online social posts. If you have a VIP offer, maybe you will want to send a special invitation via mail or give your customer a call. 

When it comes to email marketing, begin sending direct emails at least a few weeks in advance, send a reminder a couple of days to one week prior, and send a last-chance email.

These four steps of setting your holiday goals, defining your target audience, creating your offer, and then promoting your offer are four simple steps that can lead to a great close to your year-end sales. Cheers to your holiday success.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.


10 Types of Marketing Collateral: Connecting Your Audience to Your Brand

In the world of business, your marketing collateral plays a crucial role in conveying your brand’s message, building credibility, and driving customer engagement. Marketing collateral isn’t a single asset used for business growth efforts. It refers to a combination of different assets used to communicate with your audiences, raise awareness of your brand, and encourage your audience to buy. 

Being successful starts with having the proper marketing material with consistent messaging, branding, and calls to action. The combination of these materials is part of your custom marketing toolbox.

Here are 10 common types of collateral you should have in your marketing toolbox:

1. Brochures

Brochures are versatile pieces of printed material that offer a condensed overview of your products, services, or brand. They’re ideal for trade shows, networking events, and direct mail campaigns. A well-designed brochure should include attention-grabbing visuals, concise copy, and a clear call-to-action.  Always make sure to include various ways to contact you – website, email and phone.

2. Flyers

Flyers are single-sheet documents that are perfect for promoting events, special offers, or limited-time deals. They can be distributed in high-traffic areas, handed out at events, or even included in shipments to existing customers.  A QR code can easily direct people to a landing page or directly to your website.

3. Business Cards

Business cards are essential for leaving a lasting impression after networking events or meetings. They include your contact information and often feature your brand’s logo, helping you establish credibility and build connections.  

4. Posters

Posters are attention-demanding visuals that can be displayed in various settings, from retail stores to public spaces. They’re great for promoting events, products, or campaigns that require maximum visibility.

5. Presentation Decks

Presentation decks, often created using tools like PowerPoint or Keynote, are essential for meetings, seminars, and webinars. They feature slides with compelling visuals and concise text to illustrate your message effectively.

6. Case Studies

Case studies provide in-depth insights into how your products or services have positively impacted your customers. They showcase real-world success stories, instilling confidence in your services to potential customers.

7. Whitepapers

Whitepapers are authoritative documents that delve deep into a specific topic related to your industry. They demonstrate your expertise and provide valuable information to your audience, helping you establish thought leadership.

8. Catalogs

Catalogs are comprehensive collections of your products or services. They are often used by retailers or businesses with a wide range of offerings, allowing customers to browse and choose what suits their needs. 

9. Product Sheets

Product sheets are concise documents that detail the features, benefits, and specifications of a particular product. They are effective tools for sales representatives to communicate product information to potential buyers.

10. Infographics

Infographics combine visual elements and data to present complex information in an easily digestible format. They’re perfect for conveying statistics, processes, or comparisons in a visually appealing manner.

In the end, the purpose of marketing collateral is to help your audience connect with your brand!  

If you are ready to maximize your business growth efforts by creating your own custom Marketing Toolbox of marketing collateral, the Edmiston Group would love to help. Email me at [email protected] to see how we can help solidify your marketing collateral efforts.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.


Why Does Your Business Need Marketing Collateral?

Why do businesses need marketing collateral? The answer is simple. Marketing collateral is a critical component that helps connect your audience with your brand! And this connection ultimately leads to new business growth and to sustainability with existing customers.

A logo is a great example of the importance of your marketing collateral. Does your audience recognize your logo? When your audience sees your logo, do they automatically connect it with your brand? A logo is a foundational piece of your branding. Be sure to get it right and to use it on all your marketing collateral.

Marketing collateral goes well beyond your logo. These marketing assets include all of your sales and marketing materials that you use to promote your products and services, as well as to increase sales and conversions, and to build loyalty. Examples include flyers, business cards, and brochures, as well as many other types of collateral.  People may think that printed material may not be necessary in today’s world, but electronic versions of your materials can easily be forwarded to potential customers.  QR codes on flyers can drive traffic to a landing page or directly to your website.

An effective service description and call to action communicate why potential and existing customers should do business with you, above all others. This is another reason why your business needs quality marketing collateral. It is also why your marketing materials need to communicate your message consistently and effectively.

Many businesses also choose to integrate the power of storytelling into their marketing collateral. Storytelling can be one of the most important aspects of your marketing collateral. Being able to tell your story in a creative and easily digestible way prevents your message from getting diluted, documents your story, and helps anyone understand exactly what it is that your company does. Examples of this can include case studies.

In a cluttered landscape, well-crafted collateral cuts through noise, delivering information, evoking emotion, and driving action. Your marketing collateral is more than paper. Marketing collateral helps form a bridge between your brand and your target audience and helps you effectively communicate your message, thus influencing your customers’ decisions. 

By understanding and leveraging the different types of marketing collateral available, you can create a cohesive and impactful marketing strategy that resonates with your customers. Whether it’s a well-designed brochure, an attention-grabbing poster, an informative case study or white paper, each piece of collateral contributes to building a strong brand presence and fostering meaningful connections.

If you are ready to maximize your business growth efforts through marketing collateral, the Edmiston Group would love to help. Email me at [email protected] to see how we can help solidify your marketing collateral efforts.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

strong fourth quarter: Business people in office holding a conference and discussing strategies.

Planning for a Strong 4th Quarter and Beyond

strong fourth quarter: Business people in office holding a conference and discussing strategies.

We are just about to start the fourth quarter of the year… are you prepared? The fourth quarter is the most important business growth quarter of the year. You have about 12 weeks left and want to end this year strong and prepare for whatever is coming in 2024. This period often holds immense potential for revenue growth and can establish a strong finish to the year. To make the most of these final months, strategic planning is essential.

Follow these key points to help plan for a robust 4th quarter in business:

1. Make a Plan

Reflect on the year so far. Analyze the performance of the first three quarters, then work with your team to determine which customers you are going to call on… more specifically, when and how you are going to call on them. Set clear objectives about what goals you are going to accomplish, how you are going to accomplish them, and who from your team will be involved. These goals should align with the company’s overall annual objectives. Be prepared to use the holidays to your advantage and determine where you want your sales to come from during the 4th quarter and in the new year. Once you implement your plan, review it every three weeks or so and take the time to adjust based on real-time data and market shifts.  

2. Reach Out

Networking and connection are key. There are many ways to reach out to your customers and open the door for opportunity. You can invite your customers to parties, take them an end-of-the-year gift (just be sure to comply with any regulations around gift-giving), or just stop by and wish them a happy holiday. 

The holidays and the relaxed party atmosphere provide a good reason for you to get out of the office and visit with your current customers and stay in touch with those all-important prospects you have been nurturing all year long. You can also invite them to a fall trade show you are taking part in. This is a great way to reconnect with your current customer base and attract new prospects. You can learn more about the benefits of networking and attending fall trade shows here.

3. Set the Stage

With the next year’s budgeting being reviewed, the fourth quarter may not always be the right time to ask your client for their business. However, it is the perfect time to set the stage to ask in the coming weeks or months. By setting the stage, you can plant a seed for the new products or services you will begin offering. Knowing and catering to your customer’s needs will help differentiate you from your competitors. So when you give them a call the first week of January, they are not only expecting your call, but they are open and ready for the conversation to purchase your new products or services.

4. Strategize

While pushing for a sale can be the wrong strategy during the holiday season, it is a great time to add value and position yourself for success for the first quarter of the following year. When all your competitors are using December to celebrate the holidays, you can meet with your team. Having team meetings will help clarify which customers you called, what you discussed with them, what gifts you delivered to them, and how they enjoyed your holiday visit. More importantly, having discussions on what decisive actions to take for each customer can help turn the holiday visit into a sale, thereby creating more revenue. Strategizing with your team during these slowest weeks of the year (the week before Christmas and New Year’s) can help you create a very clear and precise action plan. You and your team will know exactly what to do when you walk in your customer’s door and close those deals before your competition even know what hit them.

By planning for a strong 4th quarter, businesses can capitalize on the unique opportunities that arise during the holiday season. Taking proactive steps to align strategies with changing consumer behaviors and market trends will position your business for success and set the stage for a prosperous year. Remember, the 4th quarter isn’t just an ending — it’s an opportunity for a remarkable new beginning. Are you ready to get started?

If you need help planning for your fourth quarter strategy, please give me a call at 724-612-0755. Together we can help your business end this year strong!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.