
B2B Marketing Tips

B2B-MarketingOften when it comes to B2B marketing, some small companies have a hard time getting into the game. Let’s look at a paradigm shift. Many small business owners are used to marketing to potential clients, but not to other companies that could become a referral partner. As a business owner, you have colleagues that may call on the same market verticals as you. Perhaps you complement services and can create a bundle effect. You bring a particular skillset and your colleague brings a different skill. Individually your business is strong, but combined marketing of both businesses allows you to become a trusted resource by providing solutions to multiple issues. Here are essential B2B marketing tips to help with your B2B marketing effort.

Suppliers are a Great Resource

Do you treat your suppliers with respect? Not only is it the right thing to do, but these suppliers may also call on potential clients that could be a fit for your business. A good working relationship will allow you to get the best deals on your goods and when there is a problem, suppliers will be happy to work with you. It never hurts to ask who they might suggest you reach out to and if you may use their name as a warm introduction.

Become a Recognized Expert with Amazing Content

One of the first things I do before meeting with a potential client is look at their website and their social media channels. Have they updated them recently with relevant content that is easy to read and provides value? If blogs are months old and social media posts haven’t been made since 2016, these can be potential clients for the Edmiston Group. By regularly blogging on interesting topics and posting to the appropriate social media channels, you and your business remains top of mind.

Be Social

When working with a business owner, often I’m asked on which social media channels they should be active. Social media is here to stay and businesses that aren’t willing to adjust and participate will find themselves out of business in the not too distant future. Simply setting up a profile on LinkedIn is not enough. You need to be active in sharing articles, discussions and publishing relevant content. Advertising on social media and interacting with potential B2B clients is a great way to get your message across. These days everyone is on social media so it’s a great place to find leads.

B2B businesses tend to get the best results from LinkedIn and Twitter, but are present across a wide range of social networks. Personal branding, how the public perceives you, as far as your reputation, industry expertise and personality has become one of the most important marketing B2B strategies available today. Previously, executives focused more on branding their companies. However, buyers have begun to look more at the faces and voices behind the company logo.

In addition to content curation which is a great way to establish your personal brand, look for opportunities outside of your company, such as speaking engagements at industry events. Individualize your style and delivery according to your personality.


Third party validation by way of case studies and testimonials are a key way to break through the constant noise of advertisements, and reach B2B buyers. How often do you see in social media, “Do you know a good…?” People will buy from you based on a good experience of a satisfied customer. Use customer advocate and referral programs to reward those who sing your brand’s praises to others.

Grow B2B sales by: tapping your suppliers, seeking referral sources, becoming a content expert and sharing your knowledge socially. Let other’s sing your praises by asking for testimonials. To your success!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.