
Rejuvenating Your Business For The 4th Quarter


You just got back from the family summer vacation, the kids are back to school and you should be relaxed and ready to dive back into your work! But what if you are not?

As small business owners, you have many responsibilities including attracting and retaining clients, hiring and managing employees, and so much more… and that can be a bit overwhelming. It can be easy for small business owners to lose their creativity and vision which can affect their business’s growth and profitability. Working harder is not always the answer. That’s why rejuvenating yourself will help you recharge your business. Here are three tips to help you do just that!

1. Find Inspiration from a Community.

Running a small business often involves long hours and can increase feelings of loneliness and burnout. Your family may not fully understand your work situation and therefore cannot always give you the input you are looking for. Socializing face-to-face with other entrepreneurs and professionals always motivates me, especially when energy and enthusiasm are truly contagious. By finding a community of like-minded people, you can get the support and compassion you need, fueling what you need most: Inspiration.

2. Serve Others.

As a small business owner, you likely started your business because you were passionate about an idea, product or service. In other words, you wanted to serve people in some way. But how can you serve them outside of your business? You can make contributions such as donating to a homeless shelter or volunteer your time at a community event. These acts of kindness will give you a sense of meaning, fill you with a sense of pride, and create a positive energy. Helping others is a crucial quality if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.

3. Remind Yourself of the Positives.

Small business owners have many perks. Make a list of some of the perks you love most. Your list might look something like: greater control of my schedule, the ability to select the people and clients you work with, and limitless opportunities for professional development. By choosing to look at your business as a positive, the negatives seem less important.

Remember, recharging your business does not need to be complicated. By focusing and rejuvenating yourself, you are the key to unlocking your business success in the 4th quarter and beyond.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

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