I hear time and time again – “How do I get more customers?” My question is…”Who is your ideal customer?” Can you respond in specifics – type of business, revenue, male, female, household income? Without knowing who your ideal customer is, you are unable to attract more of them.
Now that you have identified WHO your ideal customer is, WHAT does your product or service offer that meets those needs? WHY do customers buy from you over the competition? WHERE do your customers hang out? Are there specific Meetup groups, Facebook groups, or LinkedIn groups where your ideal customers are? That’s where you want to be engaging in conversations and activity.
Have you reached out to your current customers to thank them for being a customer? Do you ask for referrals or testimonials? How often do you receive an automated review request built into a business CRM? You visit the dentist and receive a request to review us on Google or have your carpets cleaned and receive an email about your experience.
Outsourced services can be utilized to interview and draft ta customer’s experience in working with you. People often won’t take the time to write praises, but if they can chat with someone and be provided a draft for them to copy and post – that takes away the process of looking at a blank screen. This process works great when you’re updating testimonials on your website. We have helped many clients update their testimonials section on their websites.
Blogging is a highly recommended acquisition method for businesses of all sizes, industries, and audience types. Running a blog allows you to explore different topics, flex your knowledge in your industry, and build authority among your readers. Blogging also continually gives you new opportunities to engage with your audience, whether through a graphic they can bookmark for later, a question they can answer in the comments, or an enticing call-to-action they can click.
Blogging can also add to your SEO. When I start working with someone one of the first things I look at is if they have a blog and the last time it was updated. Tying the blog to a newsletter will allow you to reach out to the contacts on your list. By effectively segmenting customer lists, you can see who might be interested in a given topic.
A client we have worked with segmented their list to businesses, government, nonprofits. Yet another client’s list is segmented, architects, engineers, and business. A third client has their list segmented by office locations.
Planning monthly blogs to various times of the year, community events and national awareness months allow customers to receive timely information. For example, an insurance company may talk about winter driving tips in January, but shift to drunk driving awareness near prom time.
What does all this boil down to? Planning. As we move into the last couple of months of the year, businesses are budgeting and planning for 2020. Want to grow your business, but aren’t sure how. Let the Edmiston Group help you plan for 2020. Email us or call 724-612-0755 to learn more.
About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.