Businesspeople With Digital Tablet Having Meeting In Office one-to-one meetings

The Power of One-to-One Meetings at a Trade Show

Businesspeople With Digital Tablet Having Meeting In Office one-to-one meetings

Trade shows have long been a cornerstone of networking and business growth, offering small business owners a unique platform to showcase their products and services. Amid the busyness and vibrant displays, one aspect stands out as a game-changer: the one-to-one meeting. In a sea of handshakes and business cards, these personalized interactions offer invaluable opportunities for small business owners to make meaningful connections, foster relationships, and drive success. 

Here’s why these meetings are so relevant:

Tailored Engagement: One-to-one meetings allow you to customize your pitch or discussion to each individual. This personal touch showcases your commitment and understanding of their needs, setting you apart from competitors.

Relationship Building: Trade shows are about more than immediate sales – they’re about building lasting partnerships. One-to-one meetings provide a chance to connect on a deeper level, forging relationships that can lead to collaboration, referrals, and mutual growth.

Efficient Use of Time: In a busy trade show environment, time is precious. One-to-one meetings let you focus on high-priority prospects, maximizing your time and efforts for the best possible outcomes.

Information Exchange: These meetings offer a two-way street for information sharing. You can learn about potential clients’ pain points, goals, and preferences, enabling you to tailor your offerings and solutions more effectively.

Problem Solving: One-to-one meetings are conducive to problem-solving discussions. Whether a prospect has reservations or queries, you can address them directly, turning hesitations into opportunities.

Qualifying Leads: Not every interaction leads to a solid lead. One-to-one meetings allow you to qualify prospects, ensuring you invest resources in prospects that align with your business objectives.

Memorability: In a crowded trade show, personalized attention leaves a lasting impression. When you take the time for a one-to-one discussion, potential clients are more likely to remember your brand and message.

Versatility: These meetings are adaptable – they can be casual, structured, spontaneous, or planned. This flexibility enables you to accommodate various prospects’ communication styles.

The more technology comes into our lives, the more important these one-to-one interactions are. They are invaluable. At trade shows, these personal meetings offer an opportunity for small business owners to connect, engage, and thrive. This connections empowers you to deliver tailored pitches, build relationships, and gain insights that can steer your business toward greater success.

If you are getting ready for your next trade show and need help with organizing your exhibit or planning your strategy, the Edmiston Group can help! Give me a call at 724- 612-0755.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Wide angle view of business people talking and getting to know each other while having a lunch break from the conference.

The Benefits of Participating in Professional Business Events

Wide angle view of business people talking and getting to know each other while having a lunch break from the conference.

The success of your business depends on many factors. Your business skills, knowledge in your area of expertise, your ability to connect with others, and your network. And this is where professional business events come into play.

Events in your local area provide a wonderful backdrop upon which to build these skills and connect with other entrepreneurs in your area. As many of us have learned, whether you love or hate networking over Zoom, it’s hard to beat the connection that can happen in real-life, face-to-face events. If it’s been a while since you’ve attended a professional business event, here are 5 tips to help you feel and show up confident.

Three Benefits of Participating In Professional Business Events

Building Relationships: Networking at events is a very valuable way for attendees to share experiences, exchange ideas, discuss successes and failures, and exchange information. When you’re inspired and motivated through these conversations, it naturally draws others to want to meet with you. 

Learning New Skills: Besides learning about the topic of the event itself, you’ll also have the opportunity to learn through interacting with other business owners. Attending professional business events is a great way to practice communicating more efficiently and to stay in touch with current trends.

New Opportunities: Connecting with others, and allowing your knowledge to be seen, may open the door for potential speaking engagements, leading workshops, or even sponsoring a booth at the next professional business event. Attend with an open mind and see what opportunities present themselves.

“Networking is an investment in your business. It takes time and when done correctly can yield great results for years to come” – Diane Helbig

In the Pittsburgh area, there are many great organizations to help you with your business as well as offering business events you can attend.

Here are a few organizations that can help you expand your personal and business growth:

Pittsburgh Technology Council: Pittsburgh Technology Council (PTC) offers a busy calendar of events, including Networking events, Women’s Focused events, Huntington Bank CEO Series, and various Member events.

Their main focuses for their members are visibility, talent, business development, and public policy for companies in or supporting technology businesses.

Chatham University Center For Women’s Entrepreneurship: CWE offers everything from content-specific training series for different areas of your business to various workshops and seminars. Their events offer a wonderful way to meet and connect with other women entrepreneurs in the Pittsburgh area. 

Duquesne University Small Business Development Center (SBDC): In addition to offering no-cost, confidential consulting services, The Duquesne University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers a variety of events and training workshops that will help you to launch, grow, or exit your small business. 

The Digital Foundry in New Kensington in partnership with manufacturers, educators and the workforce. Their mission is to accelerate economic growth and competitiveness using digital technologies and data-driven decision-making.

Training classes Levels 1-3 take someone who seeks upskilling or reskilling to work in the manufacturing sector through level 3 programs that are for technical managers and engineers who are responsible for advancing product and service development.  Coming Spring 2023 is a NEW Industrial Robotics & Automation Training with FANUC Certified Trainers. 

These are just four opportunities in the Pittsburgh area. No matter where you are on your path, attending professional business events and furthering your career skills will help you improve your communication skills and have a positive impact on your career.

If you need help with marketing materials for attending your next business event, Edmiston Group would love to help. Call us at (724)612-0755.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Creative power and Powerful ideas business innovation concept with a red glowing boxing glove shaped as a light bulb representing strong innovative new thinking and competitive imagination.


Creative power and Powerful ideas – new thinking and competitive imagination.

When there is a business halt, are you preparing for a strong comeback or sitting paralyzed in the silence? Because business owners are fearful of what is to come next, we often will sit back and do nothing. A business may never return to the way it was and just like the businesses that failed to embrace social media, those that choose to stand still and do nothing will lose.

Savvy business owners are taking this time to think of the future and what new lines of business or target clients they want to reach out to. Should their sales pitch change and if so what would that look like? Will the presentation desk, social media channels or website need updating? How will these changes impact their sales staff and will they need retraining? Could staff training be done remotely while the sales force team is working at home?

Try to work down the line deals. Now is the time to negotiate. If your conference has been canceled, negotiate rates on a tentative date to rebook the conference in the future. Pass along the savings to your customers to relaunch a successful event. Instead of doing nothing, you’ve become a problem solver.

If your fundraiser was postponed, can you create a go-fund-me campaign or an online event? There is so much need, you want to be certain your mission stays top of mind.

Meet your customers where they are. Yoga studios and gyms are providing online classes with instructors via Zoom and staying connected to their tribe through private Facebook groups. Chambers of Commerce are offering free classes on how to use Zoom. Restaurants have shifted from dine-in to take out and brick and mortar stores have opened on-line stores. Think about it. They have provided a solution to our present-day situation that could result in an additional revenue stream in the month’s ahead post COVID-19.

Barbara Corcoran, self-made millionaire, real estate mogul, and ‘Shark Tank’ star believes there is great opportunity in every crisis. She has survived 9/11 as well as other critical times in her business. “But here’s what I’ve learned on all these crises through all the years, Corcoran recently shared on her Business Unusual podcast. When things go south, they come back like gangbusters.”

Are you ready to breathe in and move forward to polish up your business? Let’s chat – give me a call at 724-612-0755 or email [email protected].

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.


Network In The New Year

As another year has come and gone it is time reflect and improve upon what you did as a business person this past year and set new goals for 2018. These goals should include steps to learning new things to improve services or personal skills. Networking is an area that is easy to overlook. There are so many events out there – you can network till the cows come home, but are you being effective? Are you involved in groups or events where your referral sources or potential clients may also be? Your sales reach expands by having a well-established network of referral sources both professionally and personally.

Have you ever needed a plumber, electrician, or even a carpenter? When you are in a pinch and don’t know a service provider yourself, who do you ask or what do you do? For most people, the answer is your friends, family, colleagues or more often I see this on social media. How often do you look at Google Reviews or Yelp before buying? Having a solid network of referral sources will help to ensure that you are the person they recommend for the job when the time arises.

Let’s be honest: networking isn’t always at the top of our priority list. Networking is WORK and at times can be awkward, time consuming and usually the last thing you may want to do after you finish up work for the week. In today’s world, third party validation is more valuable than you telling others what you do. When someone else shouts your praises buyers listen.

Millennials have grown up with the internet being just a click away and a cell phone in their hand. Socialization, whether online or in person is more common and easier than ever before. You need to take the time to connect with others, be outspoken about your interests and career goals and build relationships with people you might not otherwise have even met.

There are several things you can do to help make your next networking event a success.

  • Break the ice. It can often be stressful and overwhelming to walk up to stranger and introduce yourself. Have a line ready such as, “What brings you to this event” or “What do you do?” Can help to break the ice and make conversation easier. Truly listen to what they are saying. The initial introduction isn’t the time to “Sell Your Services.” Get to know a bit more about the person and if you think you might be a fit – set up a time to get together for coffee or lunch.
  • Have a purpose. You want to avoid simply collecting business cards. Set a goal for yourself and find a networking event that meets that goal. Perhaps an association or nonprofit event will put you in touch with potential clients or business contacts.
  • Share your goals. This allows you to connect with others who share the same ideas or thoughts as you. Working together with those who share the same goals allows you to benefit from each other, expand your network and reach. I’m certain a colleague will know people you don’t. I belong to a networking group and when someone posts a LinkedIn article, they ask others in the group to share their post. This expands the reach and views of the post.
  • Follow through. If you find that you have clicked with someone at a social networking event be sure to get their contact information and follow up. It never hurts to mention something specific you enjoyed about your encounter with them. I have a process with my digital marketing program that adds these new contacts to my newsletter list. I then touch them once a month with our newsletter.

As you take time to set new goals for the New Year, be sure to set a goal to network in the right venues. Be where potential clients hang out. Gain new referral partners. People do business with those they know, like and trust. Let that person be you!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long term basis. Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.