Support Small Business! Encourages shopping at local, neighborhood stores, brick and mortar, mom and pop merchants, community and main street entrepreneurs. Shop locl, buy local! Blue background. Support Small Business

3 Ways to Support Small Businesses In Your Community

Support Small Business! Encourages shopping at local, neighborhood stores, brick and mortar, mom and pop merchants, community and main street entrepreneurs. Shop locl, buy local! Blue background. Support Small Business

Why are small businesses so important? They provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and often create meaningful jobs with greater job satisfaction than positions with larger and more traditional companies. They also help cultivate local economies by keeping money close to home and supporting neighborhoods and communities.

In honor of Small Businesses, American Express launched Shop Small in 2010 to help small businesses recover from the recession. It was an immediate success, leading to the Senate passing a resolution in 2011 to recognize the shopping holiday and to celebrate it on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year Small Business Saturday is November 26, 2022.

When we support small businesses, it makes a huge impact! Here are some ideas to get you started in supporting the small business you love!

1. Shop Local

Retail: A local small business brings jobs to the area, and the money it earns usually stays in the community, which helps the local economy. Small businesses can also offer unique products and services you won’t find elsewhere else, and that can make great gifts. If you’re shopping for a gift and can’t decide which specialty item to select, ask if they have any gift cards or gift certificates for sale.

Food Establishments: If you like to dine out, order local takeout or have your food delivered. Restaurants were some of the hardest hit businesses in the last couple of years, due to COVID restrictions on how they could do business safely. Many establishments have implemented contactless dropoff or curbside pickup in order to reduce contact and safely provide you with your favorite foods.

For any small business, a single purchase is a good start, but if you want to make a real difference, make shopping small a lifestyle. Local brick-and-mortar businesses in your community are a great place to start but don’t forget, you can also find plenty of small businesses operating online and support them too.

2. Leave a Positive Review:

Word of mouth remains one of the best and most affordable forms of advertising, as it can generate new customers for small businesses. Word of mouth can also create a buzz and have a ripple effect if your friends also tell their friends about the company.

Spread the Word Using Social Media. This one is completely free, only takes a couple of minutes, and can be done from the comfort of your own home. Follow the accounts of your favorite small businesses. Like a few of their posts or leave kind comments. This will increase the company’s engagement metrics. Then, use your own social media accounts, like Facebook and Instagram, to post a review. Share photos and videos of yourself at the business, the store layout, or of a purchase you just made. Tag the company in the caption or tag yourself at their physical location and share it with your followers. This will add more value to your review. Even if you don’t have a large following, posting and sharing this content will help the business reach a new and wider audience.

3. Engage with small businesses in new ways

Be a loyal customer. A lot of businesses added new options such as virtual classes, to provide for their customers’ safety during the coronavirus lockdowns. These options actually helped them to evolve their business and reach people in new ways. Also, check to see if a local business has a customer loyalty and rewards program. If so, sign up for it – not only will you be supporting a local business, but you’ll get discounts and rewards for it, too.

It’s more important than ever that we continue to support small businesses! By Shopping Small, you are saying “thank you” to local businesses and letting them know you appreciate the time and effort they put into making your life better.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.


4 Ways to Promote Your Brick & Mortar Retail Store

With today’s technology, it seems that a lot of people prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes. However, as a brick & mortar retail store owner, you can take advantage of this trend by letting your customers know online that their products are available locally. Remind them of the benefits of buying locally, so they can help support the local economy while keeping it viable.

Make a trip to your retail store worthwhile, even enjoyable for your customers. As you read these suggestions, keep in mind the customer experience that you want to share with your customers.

So let’s get started. Here are 4 ways to help you promote your brick & mortar business:

Promote In-Store-Only Deals and Excellent Service

Make the customer feel that the offerings in the store are exclusively for them. Make your customers feel special. Go out of your way to assist them with any questions, offer advice, share insights. Create an experience that is so great that they will want to shop in your store time and time again. Create an environment that is relaxing. You want to encourage customers to linger long enough to make a purchase. 

Offer Samples or Demonstrations

Demonstrations of your products are extremely valuable. You can showcase the features and benefits of your product in a way that allows your customers to physically see, hear and touch the product. If applicable, you can show how the product functions. Once a product is experienced, the product can sell itself. 

Add Extra Value With In-Store Services

Extra value or perks are very important in the sales process. When customers are looking for retailers, the best price is not always the best option. The extra conveniences you offer can be very important. For example: if you own a clothing shop, you can offer tailoring at no extra charge. This perk can set you apart from a large online retail store where you purchase a piece of clothing that may or may not fit. Online stores don’t offer custom altering to ensure the customer with the best fit. You can! Like this clothing store example, think about what special service you can provide to your customers.

If the customer knows and feels great after your services are performed, the customer will purchase again. And they’ll likely tell a friend, or two. So don’t be afraid to set your products and services apart. Make it a pleasant experience with great results and will see as they will be sure to pay off.

Create a Loyalty Program

Customer loyalty programs are programs that reward loyal customers who frequently engage with your business’s products and services. By offering a Loyalty Program, you create an effective way to increase your customer retention. A Loyalty Program can help:

  • Attract new customers.
  • Retain existing customers.
  • Reactivate dormant customers.

Spice up your loyalty programs by giving members unexpected perks like a free cup of coffee or perhaps sending a handwritten note thanking them for their purchase and being such a loyal customer. Remember that surprising and delighting your customers is an effective way to boost spending, engagement, and word-of-mouth referrals.

With the pandemic now 2+ years in the making, it is time to bring customers back to your brick and mortar store. People are eager to re-engage with everything they’ve missed, especially going to brick-and-mortar stores to make purchases. It’s time to roll out the red carpet and invite them back. You’ll be glad you did!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.


3 Tactics for Business Growth This Spring


Spring! What a wonderful time of year. Even amid very challenging times, there’s growth. The trees will fill in once again with green, flowers will bloom, and the air will be filled with the fresh scent of spring. So how can you focus on business growth to bring this same freshness to your business this spring?

1. Know Your Audience

There’s more to knowing your audience than filling in an avatar sheet. If it’s been a while since you have sat down and defined your audience, from their age, socioeconomic status, to their basic beliefs and interests, start there. But that’s only the start. If you want to focus on business growth this spring, what do your target audience and customers need right now? Is it better customer service, a new product, a phone call to see how they are doing, or even a word of encouragement? Maybe your audience is more financially motivated. What type of spring sale would be most aligned with their current needs?

The key is to know where your customers have the most needs right now, what will motivate them the most, and how you can serve those two needs.

2. Freshen Up Your Email Marketing

There’s no doubt you’ve noticed the ever-changing algorithms on social media, as well as more and more competition in your industry. While it’s important to be present on social media and to understand your competition, your email list is your one and only way to directly communicate with YOUR audience in the digital world.

LinkedIn newsletters are all the rage right now, but remember, LinkedIn can at any time stop or change how they distribute these newsletters. If you are not yet sending emails to your audience, now is the time to start! If you’re already communicating via email marketing, congratulations! Now take a fresh look at your email. How does it feel? Is it aligned with your current brand tone, your messaging, and your goals? Is it serving your customers? Look for ways to freshen your email communications to bring more engagement, more value and ideally, one-to-one communications as a result of your efforts. This is how you bring about business growth.

There are two other options for direct communication. They are direct mail and phone calls. Consider springtime campaigns that align your email, phone communications and email marketing for the trifecta approach.

3. Implement a Referral Program

Referral programs, when done correctly, can give bursts of business growth to any business. Depending on how you implement your program, your referral program can also provide long-term sustainable growth.

Referral programs can run the gamut of loyalty cards, discounts or gifts for both the referring party and the individual being referred, or even affiliate programs for strategic partners.

Loyalty cards are great for product-based businesses. If you use a loyalty program, be sure to include your branding, your messaging and above all, bring a sense of gratitude, fun or excitement to the program. Your loyalty program needs to have an emotional element for it to be successful.

Referral programs work well for service-based businesses. Before launching a new program, be sure your onboarding and all areas of your service are smooth and efficient. Find and improve any gaps. Your referral program need not be complicated, it just needs to benefit both the person doing the referring and the person they are referring.

Affiliate partnerships are an excellent option for those in the online space. The key here is to focus on the relationships, building partnerships with those with whom you share an audience and with whom you are aligned, and then using systems to manage the affiliate partnership. Too often, the focus is on using the system first, and not on the relationship.

So, if you are ready to grow your business this spring, take action right now. Pull out your calendar and schedule time within the next 10 days to review your audience, freshen up your email marketing, and implement a referral program. Then schedule time or hire assistance to implement your changes. Do this, and you will bring new life to your business and set the stage for business growth. And I can think of no better time to do this, than the springtime.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Public Relations and Your Business

Building and maintaining a relationship with customers is essential for every business. To benefit your business and get the word out about certain products being offered, you may often utilize advertising. While both advertising and public relations are valuable, in the small business world, it can be more important to invest in public relations (PR).

Advertising vs Public Relations

Though the goal of both advertising and public relations is to drive attention to your business, the key difference between these two is that in advertising, businesses must pay for advertising space, such as online banners or billboards. In the case of public relations, results are earned by way of pitching to the media. The two also differ in target audience, objectives, control, strategy, and credibility.

While advertising focuses primarily on potential customers, the focus of public relations is to reach a wider audience that can be internal and external and include employees, customers, investors, and influencers. Advertisements are also often aimed to promote a single product, while PR can cultivate larger brand awareness. On the other hand, businesses can have more control over advertisements, as success largely depends on what you spend. In comparison, PR means less control, as the media will influence how your information is presented. However, advertising has mainly short-term goals, while public relations is geared toward the bigger picture. Consumers are also generally more skeptical of advertisements, as they know information comes from whomever is paying. PR is more likely to be trusted, as information comes from the media, a trusted third party.

Why is PR Important for Small Businesses?

Brand awareness is important for the success of any small business. Being smart with your marketing and considering the most cost-effective choice is essential to maintain your success. Public relations offers you that cost-effective strategy, as advertising can quickly become pricey. In comparison, an initial investment in public relations through press releases can grow in value over time!

Public relations is also essential for effectively growing your client base and brand awareness. By aiming at a broader audience and building connections with those inside and outside your industry through PR, your small business has a greater potential to grow in success. This larger awareness of your business also helps cultivate your reputation, which can lead current customers to trust your business and encourage others to patronize you, too!

How to Create a PR Pitch

When crafting a public relations pitch, it is first essential to consider who to send your pitch to. Finding the appropriate reporter can be the difference between a high and low level of success. Rather than pitching to several contacts, invest your time in researching outlets or contacts that best fit your information. You may also consider sending it to a paid wire service for added exposure.

You message should be clear and concise by the time you make your pitch. Spend time crafting an angle that would hook not only the reporters you’re pitching to, but also their readership. Making the reporter’s job easier, sometimes by also offering a complete press kit or additional information post-pitch, will benefit you and can help drive the story.

Another strategy in creating a PR pitch is by thinking long-term about reporters. By first introducing yourself and building relationships, you can identify yourself as a future resource and increase your chance of success. You can use this later when considering who best to send a pitch to, or when selling to each reporter individually to give them a reason to develop your pitch into an article.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh-based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

shop small

Get Ready for Shop Small

As Small Business Saturday quickly approaches, it is important to plan ahead! Shop Small is an opportunity for you to be a community champion, increase your profits, and build up your local profile. But how should you begin to strategize for such a big day? Shop Small is all about being a champion for small business. American Express, the founders of this event, indicates 90% of shoppers who are aware of Small Business Saturday use the opportunity to try out new local small businesses and restaurants. If you want your business to be one of those that the community tries out this year, start planning now!

Be a Neighborhood Champion

Shop Small is focused on not only small businesses, but also on local communities. Participating gives you a chance to widen your customer base, as well as to build up your community. One way to do this is to become an official Neighborhood Champion by signing up through American Express. Being a Champion means also supporting other business owners in your community and spreading the word about which businesses are participating in the event.

Think about how you might utilize social media to get the community excited about Shop Small, or even consider hosting a community kickoff event to strategize with other business owners and prepare for the day ahead. Whichever route you take, being a Neighborhood Champion will give you the opportunity to remind your larger community of why it is important to shop small, while also increasing your business’s local profile.

Increase Awareness and Your Profits

To get the most out of Shop Small, it is important to think ahead and to consider if your business is reaching a wide enough clientele. Partnering with complementary businesses will allow you to share in the cost of advertising and drive increased traffic to your businesses. Working with others who are not in direct competition with you will allow you to succeed on raising local awareness of your business and Small Business Saturday. Being a team player benefits everyone!

You may also think about creating some type of special sale for Shop Small. Consider bundling products for a higher price point. By creating product bundles, you can sell more of your products while also increasing your profits! Selling complementary products together, or selling only certain products in bundles rather than individually, can convince consumers that may be new to your business to shop with you.

Make this year the year that you take full advantage of all the opportunities Shop Small offers. As November 27th looms on the horizon, you should feel confident that your business, and your community, will find this event to be successful!

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.

Save time and energy with these productivity strategies

Business Productivity Hacks

Save time and energy with these productivity hacks.

How productive and focused are you in your day-to-day activity – at work and at home? Are you a night owl whose energy kicks in after 9 pm or an early bird who rises at the crack of dawn? Regardless of how your internal clock functions, you can always be busy, but not necessarily productive.

Does being busy equate with being productive? If you ask anyone what is the biggest challenge they face in trying to be productive, a likely response will involve something about a “lack of willpower”, or perhaps a difficulty staying focused.

If you think about it there are so many shiny objects that pop up to distract you throughout the day. Social media, email, phone, and personal issues. Any of these distractions can lead to lost productivity.

Build up good work habits for saving time and effort and alleviate some stress. Here are some productivity hacks to help you understand how to work smarter, improve the quality of your work life, and build habits that will save you time, energy, and mental strain in the long-term.

Productivity Begins With Your Goals…Focus On What’s Important To You
Where do you want to be 3 months from now? What about 1 year, or 5 years out? Not just your business but your personal life too. Aligning your work goals with what’s important to you is crucial in creating the motivation required to stay focused. Writing down your goals on a vision board will keep them top of mind.
It’s not by chance that I’m starting with this one. Understanding what’s important to you, not only in terms of your immediate work goals but also looking at the bigger picture. This can help you to focus and set the stage for how you approach wor

Routines Count – Develop Them
Build out a routine, and stick with it. Get into the habit of working at specific times (this is especially true if you work remotely) and you’ll find yourself wasting less energy on figuring out what to do next. Making a To-Do List for the next day allows you to focus on specific tasks and prioritize your time. There are various apps and scheduling tools for you to utilize. Personally – I use Asana, but some of my colleagues like
Monthly routines and processes can be documented and put into these programs. By creating the process, as your business grows or staffing changes, you can easily transition the steps to another individual.

Engineer Fake Pressure
How often have you told someone they will have a report you haven’t yet started by the end of the day? For some people, pressure can help to kick-start them into work mode and perform to a higher level of productivity. If you’re one of those people who finds that the pressure of a deadline or review helps you get more work done, consider engineering some fake pressure into your routine.

Email Check
Just like notifications, sometimes you can’t just ignore your inbox. This is one I struggle with – especially if I’m waiting for proofs from my graphic design team or feedback from a client. The trick is to set a time every day, where you check-in and clean up to inbox zero. The more consistent you can be with this task, the weaker the urge will become to randomly check your emails, and by sticking to the same time each day, you’re building good habits around self-discipline.

Record Each And Every Task
Following on from the to-do list, you can optimize this kind of task-based productivity approach by making sure you clearly and attentively record each task that is important to you. By keeping an up-to-date list of tasks, you can be sure you’re not overlooking certain factors when deciding on priorities and planning your workload. You could use a good old pen and paper to record your tasks and to-do-lists; many people work like this, and it’s perfectly suitable for personal jotting and keeping track of small-scale projects and priorities. This also allows you to track the amount of time spent on a given task. Having this information helps you price services accordingly.

Set Deadlines
Deadlines help you to get work done. This allows you and your team to measure and stay abreast of milestones needing to be met in completing a complex project.

Eat Your Frogs
We all have unpleasant tasks to deal with daily. “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” – Mark Twain. By completing difficult tasks first thing in the morning, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and other things will feel easy in comparison.

Stop Wasting Time In Meetings
Do you start a meeting with a purpose, goals and an agenda? Often, meetings are scheduled according to some arbitrary value like 30 or 60 minutes, and the structure is an afterthought. Define the purpose and outcomes of the meeting before the meeting. Some managers have a stand-up meeting that doesn’t allow for meaningless time spent. Objectives, assigned tasks, and outcomes are to the point.

Time Blocking – Stop multitasking
Focus on one task at a time and set a block of time to complete the task. This goes back to scheduling, prioritizing your TO DO LIST. Instead of trying to split your brain between multiple tasks, rapidly switching between activities and working on each of them simultaneously, you’re better off committing your focus to a single task at hand. Work for 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break and get up and stretch and you may find your brain remains better focused.

Consider some of these tips as you form new work habits. You may find yourself being more focused, able to better prioritize and execute your tasks at hand. We’d love to hear your success. Share your most successful habit on our Facebook page.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior-level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development strategies, website creation and management, social media management, marketing, strategic planning, and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.



Welcome-emails-first-impressions-countFirst impressions count and with 4th quarter fast approaching businesses want to make the most out of their customer contacts and how they view your brand. What processes to stay in touch do you have in place when you meet someone at a networking event, they walk into your office, or enter your brick and mortar store?

As part of your overall marketing plan, email marketing programs are very effective with many of the clients we work with. However, we have a process and customized Welcome letter when adding people to our newsletter list. But how about the first impression a customer has with your brand’s email marketing?

Have you put any thought into the type of experience you’re giving your customers or supporters when they receive an email from you for the first time? More often than not, those expectations will come from the initial experience that the reader had with your business or cause.

What is most often done wrong?

Welcome emails are the automated messages subscribers receive when they sign up for your email newsletter. These signups can be by way of text messaging or from a sign-up form on your website. When done correctly, business development people create a “pleasure to meet you” letter to add people they meet at educational or networking events. We typically like to include a headshot photo with the letter. How many times do you return from an event with a pocket full of business cards, yet can’t remember what the person looked like?

Because the welcome emails are automated, most email services provide stock content for businesses to put into them, but this isn’t reflective of your business or brand. Unless you take steps to change the content and brand, many business owners don’t even know what the first experience they’re providing their readers looks like.

With the average open rate for a welcome email is between 50-60 percent, it sets the stage for low expectations for upcoming emails. Make sure your Welcome Email delivers a fantastic first impression, is written in your words so you can establish strong relationships. It’s your opportunity to introduce your email marketing and reintroduce your business or nonprofit to your target audience. Make sure it’s written in your words and that it reflects the personal experience you plan to provide your readers.

Here are four things Your Welcome Email must do:

  • Reaffirm they made the right decision – thank them for subscribing or tell them it was a pleasure meeting them. Assure them that you will protect their information.
  • Inform subscribers what to expect in the future. Our message for the Edmiston Group is:
    • We will send you information to help you brand and grow your business, with a focus on:
      • Marketing
      • Business Development
      • Strategic Planning
      • Public Relations
  • Make sure future emails get through. Ask to be white-listed and add your business to their trusted contact list.
  • Personalizing your Welcome Email will not only improve the first impression you’re able to make on your readers, but it will also help set you apart from your competition.

By avoiding static and un-engaging messaging, you’ll be providing an experience that will shape the way customers and supporters think of your brand.

Don’t miss out on the value of First Impressions in your Welcome Email. Have questions, email or give us a call at 724-612-0755.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long-term basis. Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.


The Strike Zone

The baseball season is fast approaching. Batters know when the ball comes into the strike zone and they take a swing. Home runs happen when there is a connection between the bat and ball. The strike zone never changes – it remains constant. What does change is the pitch. Does it hit the corner of the plate, slide to the outside or come right down the middle.

You may be wondering… what does that have to do with business? When applied in the business application, the strike zone is what causes your customers to open their wallets and purchase. What has changed is how you pitch your services that causes them to take action. Buyers have changed their habits. Look at online shopping versus going to a brick and mortar store.

With the market shifting from more brick and mortar to more of an online presence, it may be time to rethink your pitch. Consumers are becoming more educated than ever when it comes to purchasing new goods or services. Part of your new pitch should include a strong online presence that could also include blogging.

As new generations emerge and the baby boomers become outnumbered in the workforce, it may be time to change your approach as to how you sell business. In today’s economy, many consumers look to the web.

They do this for multiple reasons:

  • Feedback/Reviews. They are looking to see how people have responded to your goods or services. Did they like what they purchased from you or do they feel shortchanged? It’s important to address any negative feedback and attempt to satisfy the customer’s expectations. Acknowledge the issue, show empathy, apologize and then take the problem off-line to provide the customer with a solution.
  • Price Comparison. Many consumers in today’s market will use the internet to price compare. They are looking for product and service reviews along with pricing. Your company may or may not have the lowest price, but you won’t even be in the running if you don’t show up to the race.
  • Convenience. More people are doing the majority of their shopping, even grocery shopping, on sites like Amazon. Many grocery chains now offer online ordering that all a customer needs to do is show up to pick up their goods.

How the game was played a few years ago is different than it is now. If you ask any millennial, they will tell you that they heard about a product, or purchased something online in the last month. As new generations emerge as buyers, in order to stay in the game, it is important to be sure that you are throwing the right pitch to land in their strike zone.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long term basis. Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business.


Create a Positive Customer Service Experience

Customer-Service-ExperienceYour employees are the conduit between your customers and the cash register.  Customers choose where they spend their money. To make your small business as productive as possible, you need a great team behind you and that includes your employees.

How do you find and keep the right team of employees? Below are some tips for getting the most out of your team.

Boost Happiness Among Hourly Employees

If you want to get the most out of your team, it helps to keep them happy. Even hourly workers tend to get more done and stick around longer if you can provide some little things that make them happier at work. Expressing appreciation and a simple thank you means a lot. It shows employees you truly value them. An employee of the month recognition and a gift card every once in a while doesn’t break the bank and goes a long way toward employee morale.

Learn How to Hire Consultants

Adding to your small business team doesn’t necessarily have to mean hiring hourly employees. You can potentially grow your business by utilizing the help of consultants. These are experts in their field that can help with such things as marketing, social media, bookkeeping and human resource issues. You may not need a full-time employee. Independent consultants are focused and disciplined in their given areas of expertise and hiring the right consultant can help you strategize and grow your business.

Avoid Distractions and Consistently Hit Your Targets

It’s easy to say that you want to get more done in your business. But there are tons of distractions out there that can keep you from reaching your goals and targets. Make sure employees and consultants alike are aware of your goals. Celebrate the small victories when targets are hit.

Create a Sales Page for Your Online Course or Product

If you want your online customers to be able to complete their purchases easily, you need a great sales page. Inform your team of ongoing promotions. For instore promos – create a sales calendar outline the next quarter’s promotion so they know what’s coming up. Your staff will feel empowered and customers will appreciate a “heads up” on a future sale that starts in a few days.

Use Social Listening for Your Business

Social media isn’t just for promoting your business. You can also use it to learn from your customers and followers using social listening. Ask for reviews, monitor your online reputation and respond to any concerns listed by your customers.

Your customers and their purchasing power help to keep your lights on.  Create a WOW experience through stellar customer service. Empower your employees with knowledge and training. Give praise and appreciation for a job well done.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group. The Edmiston Group is a multifaceted Pittsburgh based marketing consulting firm providing senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long term basis. Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business growth.

Edmiston Group

Plan Ahead to Make the Most of Your Tradeshow (Part 2)

Getting ready for a trade show can be overwhelming, but with the appropriate direction, pulling off the perfect trade show can be as easy as 1 * 2 * 3.  In part 2 of this 3-part series we focus on creating the perfect Display for your Booth.  Part 1 (Marketing Materials)   Part 3 (Promotional Products)

Step 2:  Prepare Your Booth with the Perfect Display

“3 Seconds!  That’s how long you have to capture the attention of a potential customer.  Grab it with an eye-catching display”

We talked with Lynne Arrington of Speedpro Imaging in Cranberry Township regarding best practices for selecting trade show display items.  Here’s what Lynne had to say.

Q: How far in advance should exhibitors contact you for new displays?  Lynne:  The ideal answer is the sooner the better.   6 – 8 weeks gives time to think about options and get feedback on proofs. Even when updating graphics on an existing display, time is needed to order replacement hardware.

Q:  What budgeting tips can you provide for deciding which display items to purchase?  Lynne:  Before selecting a display product, think about how long you will be using the display and for what purposes.  Do you want the display to be used repeatedly?  Can you repurpose the display and use it in your store, at a chamber event, at presentations?   Should the display be portable, should it have changeable graphics?  As an example, retractable banners stands can used to promote your brand or can be made for use with additional graphic cartridges that will promote a rotating theme or promotion.   Your expected usage will help to determine which display will best fit your needs.

Q: What is your #1 tip for creating the perfect display?  Lynne: Hone your message.  Your message should be simple, your graphics clean.  You have 3 seconds to grab someone’s attention, so you don’t want to overload information.  You DO want to pique interest.   Once your display has caught your potential customer’s attention, your trade show rep can get to work determining the best way to be helpful.

About the author: Autumn Edmiston is the CEO and owner of the Edmiston Group ~ The Edmiston Group provides senior level marketing management services to businesses and non-profit organizations on a short or long term basis.  Core areas of service are business development, marketing, strategic planning and public relations. The Edmiston Group has consistently delivered and implemented real-world, proven business marketing ideas and strategies for business growth.